Yediot Aharonot says that, „The greatest actor in the Middle East will land in Cairo today,” and adds that, „The Turkish sultan is going down to Egypt.” The author avers that, „The greater the contempt that Erdogan shows toward Israel, the more his stock rises in the region,” and believes that, „He will be welcomed in Cairo as a national hero.”
However, the paper doubts that the visit will translate into any kind of alliance because, „As long as the military council rules Egypt, the country will not dare harm American interests.” The author also contends that Egypt’s generals also lobbied against the Turkish Prime Minister’s now-cancelled visit to Gaza on the grounds that such a visit, „would anger the Palestinian Authority, would anger Israel, would strengthen the Muslim Brotherhood, would alarm the American Congress and would upset the State Department.” The paper contends that Israeli concerns about Turkey trying to establish a regional hegemony are unfounded because, „The Arabs will never allow foreigners – be they Turkish or Iranian – to establish a hegemony over them,” no matter how much Erdogan, „tries to make a name for himself in the Middle East.”
The Jerusalem Post writes: „The siege of the embassy hardly bodes well for the future of Israeli-Egyptian relations as the Egyptian people prepare for their first truly free and democratic parliamentary and presidential elections. Understandably, there is widespread discontent among Egyptians who have come to the realization that the enormous energies channeled through Tahrir Square have so far failed to yield tangible improvements. But instead of venting their frustrations on Israel and endangering the fragile peace that helps bring stability to the region, Egyptians should instead focus on the myriad challenges that lie ahead for them as they make the transition to the post- Mubarak era.”
Haaretz writes: „The storming of Israel’s embassy in Cairo is the climax of the public protest in Egypt against Israeli policy, especially against the killing of Egyptian soldiers during Israel’s response to the terror attack near Eilat last month. It’s natural for the events to raise deep concerns about the future of the peace agreement between the two countries. But the mob violence is also directed against the new regime in Egypt, challenging it on its handling of foreign policy in general. Significantly, this regime has adhered to all agreements signed with Israel and has called the embassy break-in an act that „harms Egypt’s image and international standing.” The rules of the game with Egypt have changed. For the strategic alliance with Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and other countries to survive, Israel will have to propose real policies and solutions to the conflict with the Palestinians.”
Yisrael Hayom discusses today’s Labor Party primaries and believes that, „The shadow of a future split hovers over the party,” the candidates’ protests to the contrary notwithstanding. The author believes that Labor will need to both draw greater public attention to itself and undermine Kadima, an interest which it shares with the Likud. The paper believes that if the party cannot double its number of MKs – from the current eight – in the next election, it may break up and pass from the scene.
Ma’ariv refers to yesterday’s Cabinet decision regarding Bedouin communities in the Negev. The author says that, „For 50 years, Israeli governments have neglected the severe problems of the Negev Bedouin,” and adds that, „When the unrecognized [Bedouin] villages began to organize into a regional council, there were attempts at dialogue with the authorities, but new obstacles sprang up every time and governments were unable to find solutions that they and the Bedouin could agree on.” The paper states that while, „Various elements came in to help the Bedouin who live in unrecognized communities, which the state claims are illegal,” no systemic solution had been forthcoming. The author asserts that, „The Netanyahu government has decided on a plan that is insufficient to placate either all of the Bedouin or all those who are crying out against the illegal takeover of state lands but which will still bring a solution for the dispersed Bedouin communities – even if some Bedouin do not like it.”