Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul

Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

6 January 2019


Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Today’s issues: Parties and personalities, a system of collaboration, a rare animal in today’s wild political climate, and: all eyes are on the attorney general.
The Jerusalem Post discusses emerging trends prior to the forthcoming elections, among them the formation of many new parties, and declares: “While it is positive that everyone in Israel feels they have representatives in the Knesset, it is also important that the country benefit from a stable coalition, one that is not vulnerable to political blackmail before every key decision. In the current political situation, it is hard to say ‘the more, the merrier.’”
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Haaretz discusses the dubious methods employed by Education Minister Naftali Bennett “in his unrestrained rush to get a new medical school approved at Ariel University,” including the subordination of professional considerations to a political goal while corrupting Israeli higher education along the way, and asserts: “Academics need to wake up. The occupation continues to corrupt and Bennett is a clear danger to academia in Israel.”
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Yediot Aharonot focuses on the announcement by MK Dov Khenin, one of the Knesset’s “most active and accomplished members” that he will not seek another term in the Knesset, and asserts: “His announcement that he will not seek another term is another crack in the crumbling wall of the stature of the legislative institution.” The author does not lament the absence of good politicians, as they exist both in the coalition and in the opposition and will continue to do so after the upcoming elections, but contends that “Phenomena such as empowering the coalition and weakening the opposition, the cheapening of dialogue and the political-media culture all work to drive away individuals not motivated by media exposure and Facebook likes.”
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Israel Hayom argues: “If Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit caves to pressure and files an indictment against PM Benjamin Netanyahu while the 2019 Knesset campaign is underway, it will become the sole issue of the election,” but contends that the center-left election campaign, with its astonishing drop in the polls, splits and factionalization, “comprises a lifeline in terms of the cases against Netanyahu. They’re all he has to grab onto. The calls from the Center-Left to indict him no matter what are no credit to their leaders, who are just proving that they can’t oust Netanyahu from the Prime Minister’s Office without the help of Mendelblit and his friends.”
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