Yediot Aharonot asks: „What can you say about Netanyahu, who backtracked from the nonsense of the other day?
Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press
Yediot Aharonot asks: „What can you say about Netanyahu, who backtracked from the nonsense of the other day? ‘He folded’ some of his colleagues are saying.” The author opines, „I think that they are mistaken. If Netanyahu understood that he erred in the Barzilai Medical Center affair and reversed course, then he did not fold. He regained composure. The problem is that not one of the ministers understands what Netanyahu wanted to begin with, nor what he wants now.”
Ma’ariv raises the point „Why shouldn’t a synagogue be built in Silwan, and a mosque in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem?” The author surmises „Right, it is not politically correct to speak about separation. But it seems that for the two peoples, in the meantime, it is a much saner option.”
Yisrael Hayom says that „Only the naďve, or the professionally naďve, believe that the temporary sniffles that developed in US-Israel relations really derived from the construction plan for 1,600 Jewish apartments in Ramat Shlomo. If it had not been Ramat Shlomo, it would have been some other matter. The American administration looked for some excuse for setting the ground rules for the proximity talks and in order to demonstrate support for Palestinian demands regarding construction in Jerusalem.” The author professes that „Just as the mini-crisis was not of historic proportions, this week’s talks are likewise not fateful. But one must hope that the important relationship has been re-anchored.”
The Jerusalem Post expresses concern at the disproportionate ongoing US criticism of Israel, especially in the absence of markedly increased pressure on the PA and the Arab world toward normalization with Israel, which, the editor feels, can only further embolden intransigence and violence. The editor calls on the US and Israel to „resolve the differences quietly, calmly and quickly, and move ahead toward pressing the hitherto inflexible Palestinians and the wider Arab world toward the viable compromises in which Israel and the US have so manifestly a shared interest.”
Haaretz commends the cabinet for approving a NIS 800 million development plan for the Arab sector in Israel, and decries the racist approach of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, which voted against the plan. The editor states that „The cabinet did well to adopt the development plan and push the Yisrael Beiteinu ministers who objected to it into the dark corner where they belong.”
Yediot Aharonot asks: „What can you say about Netanyahu, who backtracked from the nonsense of the other day? ‘He folded’ some of his colleagues are saying.” The author opines, „I think that they are mistaken. If Netanyahu understood that he erred in the Barzilai Medical Center affair and reversed course, then he did not fold. He regained composure. The problem is that not one of the ministers understands what Netanyahu wanted to begin with, nor what he wants now.”
Ma’ariv raises the point „Why shouldn’t a synagogue be built in Silwan, and a mosque in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem?” The author surmises „Right, it is not politically correct to speak about separation. But it seems that for the two peoples, in the meantime, it is a much saner option.”
Yisrael Hayom says that „Only the naďve, or the professionally naďve, believe that the temporary sniffles that developed in US-Israel relations really derived from the construction plan for 1,600 Jewish apartments in Ramat Shlomo. If it had not been Ramat Shlomo, it would have been some other matter. The American administration looked for some excuse for setting the ground rules for the proximity talks and in order to demonstrate support for Palestinian demands regarding construction in Jerusalem.” The author professes that „Just as the mini-crisis was not of historic proportions, this week’s talks are likewise not fateful. But one must hope that the important relationship has been re-anchored.”
The Jerusalem Post expresses concern at the disproportionate ongoing US criticism of Israel, especially in the absence of markedly increased pressure on the PA and the Arab world toward normalization with Israel, which, the editor feels, can only further embolden intransigence and violence. The editor calls on the US and Israel to „resolve the differences quietly, calmly and quickly, and move ahead toward pressing the hitherto inflexible Palestinians and the wider Arab world toward the viable compromises in which Israel and the US have so manifestly a shared interest.”
Haaretz commends the cabinet for approving a NIS 800 million development plan for the Arab sector in Israel, and decries the racist approach of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, which voted against the plan. The editor states that „The cabinet did well to adopt the development plan and push the Yisrael Beiteinu ministers who objected to it into the dark corner where they belong.”