08/07/2004 By Haaretz Staff and Agencies Shinui leader Yosef Lapid, responding to Infrastructure Minister Yosef Paritzky’s dramatic admission that he attempted to incriminate and discredit party colleague and Interior Minister Avraham Poraz, said Thursday that he hoped that Paritzki would not only leave the Knesset and Shinui, but would quit public life altogether. Lapid said the secular-centrist party had not yet decided on a replacement for Paritzky, whom Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is set to fire at Lapid’s request. Paritzky’s abrupt departure comes in the wake of a Channel 1 report that he attempted to incriminate Poraz with the help of a private investigator during primary elections in 2002. Lapid voiced hope Thursday that Paritzky would leave public life on his own volition. „I hope that he will resign and go his way, that he will leave the faction, leave the Knesset, and return to private life, and allow us to recover from the blow he landed on us,” Lapid said.
Paritzky is to be relieved of his position Sunday. Political sources said Paritzky might resign ahead of Sunday’s cabinet meeting. Army Radio said that the resignation could come as early as Thursday morning. Shinui leaders are to meet Thursday to discuss the affair and the steps they are to take in its wake. Among candidates mentioned as possible replacements for Paritzky is Professor Uriel Reichman, a founder of the party. Shinui MK Ilan Shalgi said Paritzki, whom he called a „rotten apple,” had done great damage to Israeli democracy, as well as Shinui and the Israeli public as a whole. „We have a wound, now we have to remove the pus,” Shalgi said. During Shinui’s primary two and a half years ago, Paritzky retained the services of a private investigator working for Israel Electric to search for evidence that would compromise Poraz. In his capacity as chairman of the Knesset Economics Committee, Poraz had taken a stand against the free supply of electricity to workers from the country’s electric company. Channel 1 news reporter Ayala Hasson on Wednesday night disclosed the existence of recorded conversations between Paritzky and the investigator. The two discussed ways of ruining Poraz politically, including arranging the publication of a newspaper investigative report which would raise questions about Poraz’s activities with non-profit organizations, and his relations with other Shinui politicians. The two also discussed ways of using Poraz’s wife and son to hurt him. In one conversation, Paritzky considered ways to „set a trap” for Poraz, proposing that the investigator impersonate a used car salesman and approach a lobbyist who had ties with Poraz, and propose that he promote legislation relating to the import of used cars. „I want to get him. And quick. Quick. The elections are approaching. There is a war between us more bitter than that between Eli Yishai and Aryeh Deri,” Paritzky is heard as saying in a conversation. Paritzky believed that the lobbyist would persuade Poraz to back such legislation, and Paritzky would then accuse his Shinui colleague of acting on the basis of improper motives. In the end, Paritzky and the private eye were unable to implicate Poraz. In a dramatic appearance on Channel 1’s Mabat News Magazine on Wednesday night, Paritzky offered an apology. „I want to apologize to Avraham Poraz,” Paritzky said. „I have good relations with Avraham.” Paritzky explained his behavior by saying he was a political novice at the time of the Shinui primary. „They sent me a private investigator, and I fell for the bait,” he said. „I am truly sorry that Avraham was hurt by this.” Poraz responded, saying „I am stunned by these disclosures. I am truly sorry that a party colleague would act this way… Anyone who knows me will say that any attempt to besmirch me will fail.” Shinui Chairman Yosef Lapid convened a special meeting of the party Wednesday night to discuss the Channel 1 report. Lapid said that he advised Paritzky to apologize in the TV studio, adding that the affair casts doubt on Shinui’s status as a party which stands for clean government. „Yosef Paritzky isn’t worthy of being a Shinui member,” said Shinui MK Reshef Chayne. „Nor does he deserve to be an MK nor a cabinet minister. I expect that he will resign from all three positions immediately.” Shinui MK Ehud Ratzabi also called for his immediate resignation. Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin (Likud) said „I didn’t believe when I saw the report on television. Politics makes otherwise reasonable people lose their minds.” BPI