Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul

2 October 2018


Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Today’s issues: Wake-up call for Europe, it’s not a bicycle, IDF is prepared to deal with the S-300, and: Abbas is using Hamas against Israel.
The Jerusalem Post comments on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the UN General Assembly last week in which he presented the world with concrete intelligence about Iran’s ongoing violations of the 2015 nuclear deal, as well as Hezbollah’s cynical use of civilian infrastructure to hide its efforts to obtain long-range and accurate missiles, and states: “We hope that Netanyahu’s speech  will serve as the wake-up Europe desperately needs. The time to act against Iran is now. A first step would be for the International Atomic Energy Agency to immediately visit the atomic warehouse and for Europe to take real steps that will bring change. Appeasement will fail.”
Full article
Haaretz discusses the large number of e-bike fatalities in Israel and declares: “The time has come to recognize the following fact and to shout it out: Electric bicycles are not bicycles. They are motor vehicles whose use is totally unregulated.” Citing the growth in popularity of e-bikes and the lack of regulation governing their use, the editor asserts: “The state must redress this folly through legislation, while the police must enforce the laws, just as it does with the operators of all other motor vehicles. The disgrace that is the handling of electric bikes in Israel must be stopped.”
Full article
Yediot Aharonot comments on the Russian intention to supply Syria with the advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense system, and states: “Although the transfer of the Russian air-defense system to Syrian military could impede the IAF planes from operating freely, the IDF has been preparing for this event for the past 20 years, and Israeli policy in the region will not change. The only dilemma Israel might have to face is what will it do if Russian forces are the ones operating the anti-aircraft system?”
Full article
Israel Hayom discusses the White House peace initiative between Israel and the Palestinians, and notes: “A diplomatic breakthrough requires much more than a change of administrations in Washington. Many world leaders, including those in Tehran and Ramallah, still believe that all they have to do it wait out Trump’s presidency.”
Full article
[Yossi Yehoshua and Amnon Lord wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, respectively.]