Az izraeli hatóságok felszámolták a Hamász egyik merényletet elkövető csoportját


Az izraeli hatóságok felszámolták a Hamász egyik merényletet elkövető  csoportját

„החיסול והחקירה: שניים מהמחבלים שוחררו ממאסר בישראלשניים מחברי החוליה שרצחה את מיכאל מרק ז”ל, ובהם היורה מוחמד פקיה ישבו בעבר בכלא בישראל על עבירות טרור, אך חמקו מהרדאר הביטחוני. יממה לאחר הרצח נודעה זהותם באמצעות סייענים מאזור חברון. הרוצח השתמש ברובה מאולתר שכמותו מיוצרים בגדה במחרטות בכמויות גדולות

Az izraeli biztonsági erők felszámolták a Gázai övezet irányító Hamász radikális palesztin szervezet egyik csoportját, amely július 1-jén fegyveres merényletet követett el

    A Sin Bét belbiztonsági szolgálat felgöngyölítette annak a július 1-jén történt merényletnek a szálait, amelynek során egy ciszjordániai úton egy gépkocsiból agyonlőtték Miháel Mark rabbit, a Hebron melletti Otniel telepesfalu tízgyermekes alapítóját. Mark történetesen a Moszad igazgatójának, Joszi Kohennek az unokatestvére volt.
A Sin Bét felderítette a palesztin elkövetők búvóhelyét a Hebrontól északra található Surif nevű palesztin faluban, és szerda hajnalban rajtaütött a terroristákon. A katonaság, a Sin Bét és a rendőrség közös akciójában tűzharcban megölték a halálos lövéseket leadó 29 éves Mohamed al-Fakihot, és őrizetbe vették a csoport három másik tagját.
A katonai szóvivők beszámolója szerint al-Fakih tüzet nyitott a házhoz érkező izraeli egységre, amelynek tagjai válaszul legalább egy páncéltörő gránátot lőttek az épületre, szinte teljesen lerombolva azt. Az egyik 38 éves vádlott kihallgatásán beismerte, hogy ő vezette azt az autót, amelyből al-Fakih a lövéseket leadta.
Az izraeli biztonságiak lefoglalták a merényletben használt fegyvert és gépkocsit, és őrizetbe vették az elkövető egyik bátyját, aki segített elrejtőzni az akció után. A július elseji merényletben Miháel Mark felesége súlyosan, két gyerekük pedig könnyebben megsebesült, amikor a fegyveres támadás után a család autója felborult.

Hamas terrorist behind murder of rabbi killed in IDF arrest raid

Rabbi Michael Mark was killed in a drive-by shooting near Otniel on July 1 • Investigation leads Israeli authorities to shooter’s hideout near Hebron, where exchange of fire erupts • Mark family „shocked” to learn terrorist was freed from Israeli prison.

Lilach Shoval, Efrat Forsher and Israel Hayom Staff

Israeli forces patrol near the house of a Hamas terrorist during a raid in the Palestinian village of Surif near Hebron Wednesday  | Photo credit: Reuters 

A Hamas terrorist who killed a rabbi in a drive-by shooting attackearlier this month was killed during an IDF arrest raid near Hebron Tuesday.

In a victory for Israeli security and defense forces, a joint Shin Bet security agency, IDF and police investigation uncovered the Hamas terrorist cell responsible for the murder of rabbi Michael Mark, who was murdered on July 1 as he traveled on Route 60 with his family near the settlement of Otniel.

Mark’s wife, Hava, was seriously wounded in the attack and remains hospitalized. Two of his children were also hurt.

The investigation and concurrent manhunt culminated Tuesday night with the shooting of Mohammad al-Fakih, 29, in an exchange of fire in the Palestinian village of Surif, near Hebron. Fakih is believed to have perpetrated the shooting. The driver, Mohammed Majid Amaira, was arrested several weeks ago. A number of additional accomplices are also in custody.

The Islamist group Hamas identified Fakih as a member of its armed wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades‎. The house in which Fakih was hiding was damaged during the clash and then demolished by an Israeli bulldozer.

Over the course of the last month, intensive Israeli efforts were invested into capturing the cell behind the July 1 shooting attack. On Tuesday, IDF soldiers broke into Fakih’s hideout, sustaining fire. After killing the terrorist, Israeli troops discovered ammunition, homemade grenades and an AK-47 assault rifle.

„They thought that the man was killed but he kept resisting from 10:30 p.m. until dawn prayers,” said Hebron resident Jamil Ahdoush.

Jamal Hamaiadat, another Hebron resident, said the military surrounded the village for eight hours and cut off the electricity.

Fakih, who lived in Hebron, has been jailed in Israel in the past over his involvement in Islamic Jihad and his role in planning previous attacks. It was during his time in prison that he was recruited by Hamas.

Amaira, a 38-year-old resident of Dura, is a member of the Palestinian Authority’s national security apparatus. He was arrested some three weeks ago, and confessed during questioning to driving the vehicle in the attack, indicating that Fakih had fired the fatal shots.

During the course of the investigation, Israeli authorities also recovered the weapon and the vehicle used in the attack.

Fakih’s brother, Zahiv, was also arrested and confessed to having helped his brother hide and providing ammunition. The siblings’ cousin, Maaz Fakih, was also arrested, confessing to assisting the shooter in the days after the attack.

Additional family members are also in custody on suspicion of helping the terrorists after the attack.

A Palestinian woman was lightly wounded during the Tuesday night arrest raid and is currently hospitalized and receiving treatment.

In a statement, the IDF said that „we are continuing our focused efforts to locate weapons and weapons-making machinery in Judea and Samaria.”

After receiving word of the arrest raid and the Fakih’s death, the Mark family said in response that „we are grateful to the IDF and the Shin Bet for working relentlessly to find the murderers and capture them. We were shocked to learn that the killer was a terrorist from the Palestinian Authority and that these were people who were familiar to the Israeli authorities, having served jail time and been released. We expect an appropriate response on every level based on this information.”

Yohai Damari, the head of the Har Hebron Regional Council, said in response to the capture of the Hamas cell that „we have mixed emotions about the arrest of the terrorists. On the one hand, we have enormous appreciation for The IDF for their persistence and determination to apprehend the killers. On the other hand, our minds have not been put at ease and unfortunately, this does not prevent the next murder. The quagmire of terrorism will continue to bleed as long as we avoid enacting tough measures against terrorists and their relatives while simultaneously cultivating and increasing [Jewish] settlement.”