Rakétatámadás a Sínai félszigetről Grad rockets likely fired from Sinai

Rakétatámadás a Sínai félszigetről

Szombaton reggel két Grad tipusú rakéta csapódott be a Negev sivatag Eilattól északra fekvő régiójába.
A rakéták nem okoztak kárt, lakatlan területen értek földet: az egyik Micpe Ramon város, a másik az Uvda katonai repülőtér közelében.
Vasárnap reggeli közlés szerint a rakétákat a Sínai félszigetről lőtték ki Izrael irányába.
Az izraeli és az egyiptomi határőrség állandó kapcsolatot tart fenn.
Grad rockets likely fired from Sinai

IDF officials estimate Grad rockets found in Ovda, Mitzpe Ramon fired from Sinai shortly before polling stations opened in Egypt’s presidential elections and on assumption Israel won’t be able to retaliate
Yoav Zitun

The IDF continues to investigate the circumstances behind the firing of two rockets that hit the Ovda and Mitzpe Ramon areas over the weekend. Their remnants were found on Saturday following open area scans.



It is now believed that the rockets were fired by a cell from the Sinai Peninsula several hours before polling stations opened in the second round of Egypt’s presidential elections.


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Senior IDF sources have addressed the growing terrorist activity in Sinai in the past year, linking the phenomenon to elements in Gaza, but noted Israel’s limited intelligence on the region.

הגראד שנמצא אתמול באזור עובדה (צילום: דותן הלברייך)

Grad found in Ovda area (Photo: Dotan Halbreich)


The lack of intelligence enables terrorist organizations to turn Sinai not only into a training ground and weapons smuggling route, but also into a terror hotbed in the wake of low police presence.



Army officials are concerned that despite the substantial progress made in the construction of the border fence, terrorist groups sending cells into Sinai will use the area to fire rockets knowing that the IDF will refrain from mounting counter strikes on Egyptian sovereign territory.


Nevertheless, the IDF maintains close cooperation with Egyptian forces.