Summary of Editorials from the Izraeli Hebrew Press
Haaretz writes: „On Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he opposes having the Knesset Constitution Committee hold hearings for Supreme Court nominees. Netanyahu thereby adopted the traditional democratic stance that characterized his Likud party before it was infiltrated by anti-democratic elements, and for that he deserves praise. But this position requires the prime minister to take additional steps, because he cannot rely on Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman to implement his policies on the Supreme Court. Seniority, the method by which all previous presidents of the Supreme Court have been chosen, is not enshrined in law, and politicians seeking to influence the justices are constantly threatening to abolish this custom. Thus if Netanyahu supports the supremacy of the Supreme Court, he could take a historic step toward ensuring this supremacy by enacting the seniority principle into law.”
The Jerusalem Post comments: „Under haredi influence, the chief rabbinate has become increasingly supportive of the strictest interpretations of Halacha [Jewish religious law]. Steps need to be taken to ensure that the state-recognized monopoly over marriage registration is not relegated to any single group or body, especially one that represents a particularly stringent version of Judaism. Instead, Orthodox rabbis representing a diverse range of opinions should all be allowed to perform weddings. Ideally, recognized non-Orthodox streams – Reform and Conservative – should also be allowed to conduct weddings as long as they adhere to basic consensus tenets such as matrilineal descent. What we are advocating is, in effect, „free-market Judaism,” which, we believe, will foster religious expression and provide a positive alternative to the Chief Rabbinate’s counterproductive monopoly.”
Three papers comment on various issues regarding the public health crisis:
Yediot Aharonot notes that „in 1988, against the background of a deep crisis in the health system, a state commission of inquiry was established headed by Supreme Court Justice Shoshana Netanyahu. The commission worked for more than two years. The report it issued proposed a series of revolutionary reforms for the health system. The Netanyahu Commission report is considered one of the most efficient and wisest ever produced by a state commission of inquiry in Israel. Thanks to it we have our national health insurance law. Health Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would do well to take his aunt’s example. Twenty-one years has passed since the Netanyahu report was submitted. The time has come to appoint a new state commission of inquiry.”
Ma’ariv maintains that „the public health system, an Israeli creation of wonder, is collapsing before our very eyes. The collective resignation by doctors as a pressure device in negotiations seemed to me to be illegitimate, but that was a long time ago. And where is the Prime Minister? Not here. The issue is at his doorsteps, not only because he is also the Health Minister, but rather especially because no one will solve it without him.”
Yisrael Hayom presents two opposing opinions. Ran Reznik contends that „the [doctors’] wholesale resignations and abandonment of the sick is a disgrace to medical ethics. They are greatly harming the public’s health as well as the public’s trust in them.” Dr. Eliaz Miller opines, „Ultimately, the doctors will leave. Whoever can – will go abroad for his specialization. They will pick themselves up and escape this sinking ship, and will find work that will honor their self sacrifice.”