Yediot Aharonot’s author opens with a story of someone he knows: „Akiva Moshe Liberman (38), a Hassidic Yeshiva student from Ashdod; he’s as black as they come; a father of five and an alumnus of higher Torah studies. For years he studied at a Torah Yeshiva and afterwards at an advanced Judaic studies program for married men. In his late twenties he began evening classes at an ultra-orthodox center for professional training, and after basic instruction in computer engineering received a job at the Elta Systems aerospace company in Ashdod. The cool reception that he received did not cool his burning desire to succeed. ‘We don’t have a lot for you to do, they told him, and they put him in a team whose director at that time was involved in a military operation, and was thus unable to oppose the new Dos (slang for an ultra-orthodox Jew) who arrived in his department. During those days, the company was grappling with a new program which it had just paid millions for, but was unable to synchronize with the local requirements. All of the experts who attempted to synchronize the system wrung their hands in frustration. My acquaintance dove into the depths of the problem, and after a few months succeeded where all of the experts failed. Moshe, as he is called in Elta, is not unique and special. Like him there are many thousands of higher Torah studies alumni whom have integrated into various places of employment and succeed at their jobs or businesses.” The author argues that “The reality in which all study content – including the history of Hari-kari in Japan – is recognized in Israel as academic studies, and only higher Torah studies are not recognized, is a disgrace which testifies that they really don’t want us in the workplace. Sometimes it seems to me that those concerned about a change are small groups of politicians and academics, whose concern is for afterwards, when they will have no one to kick around.”
Ma’ariv author, Jadat Imbrahim, contends that „My natural joy as an Arab Muslim over what is happening in the Arab world is diluted by great concern, especially when I view what is going on in Egypt. It seems to me that we, Arab Muslims, are finally joining the modern world, a world in which there are no kings or rulers. Everyone, big or small, is equal before the law. All that aside, I am not sure that we know what to do with this new found power, and I do not know if the sense of freedom is not intoxicating us to the point of losing our senses and our way.”
Yisrael Hayom maintains that „The affair concerning the crumbling of Agrexco, a company which thus far has dealt with an important part of Israel’s agricultural exports, has recently grabbed a lot of the attention of the media and the public, and not simply because most of its workers will lose their jobs. What so bothers the media, and of course those directly involved, is the Finance Ministry’s stance. What does the ministry think? It is not willing to pay the depts. of the failing company to those who loaned it money, especially to those for purchased the company’s bonds.” The author argues that „Companies fail because they are not run properly. They fail because, for years, they are run without sufficient transparency and do not faithfully disclose their finances.” And he concludes: „Government owned companies face judgment just like every other business. If the state grants automatic guarantees on all its companies’ debts, we will be advocating a situation of failed and inefficient management.”
The Jerusalem Post wonders: “Will the [Egyptian Muslim] Brotherhood use the unprecedented opening offered by the upcoming elections to support a turn toward democracy?” The editor points out that “too few understand the perils posed by Islamists who subvert pro-democracy movements. In Iran in 1979, secular forces that ousted the Shah were outflanked by Islamist supporters of Ayatollah Khomeini,” and adds: “Let us pray that history does not repeat itself on our southern doorstep.”
Haaretz feels that “The South African athlete, Oscar Pistorius, a double leg amputee, who is competing in the World Athletic Championships, is worthy of genuine admiration.”