Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press

Yediot Aharonot’s author declares that „It is not enough for us to earn a wage, we also want to live,” and adds that „It is possible to go on calling us ‘the Tel Aviv bubble’, even though we have long since moved to Pardes Hannah.  It is possible to label us spoiled, snobs or just bleeding hearts.  But do not try us.  The recent struggle proves that in the moment of truth we are not much nicer than a black panther.”

Ma’ariv maintains that „Too many journalists relate to the tent protest as if it were their personal struggle, to the point that they have lost all proportion regarding professionalism and integrity.  The reports, the analysis and the interviews of many correspondents and radio and television announcers are so confusing to the point that it is uncertain who the experts are and who is covering the story.”

Yisrael Hayom sums up the general feeling of Israel’s public and echoes the recent social protest when it surmises that „The average citizen paid when the tycoons rose – and will pay when they fall.”

The Jerusalem Post discusses the current volatility of the international financial markets in the aftermath of the downgrading of America’s credit rating, and points out that while Israel’s credit rating was left unchanged, we nevertheless cannot afford to “observe all that turbulence and feel smug.” The editor warns the government that the international crisis may cause Israel’s economic position to worsen, and urges the government to restrain itself from unnecessarily loosening any purse-strings to splurge on spendthrift welfare programs. The editor adds:  “We need to remember that what triggered the American downgrade was gargantuan overspending, part of it as a temporarily soothing sedative for the acute ills of 2008.”

Haaretz compares the waves of protest in London and Tel Aviv, and notes that “In Israel the middle class, which bears the main economic and civic burden, is rebelling against the cost of living. In England, the most neglected margins of society are rebelling.” The editor states that “Despite the differences between the two countries, the Israeli government should listen to the expanding public protest; the factors that created huge gaps in Israel should be restrained. The government must work rationally to prevent the outbreak of another protest here, fueled by frustration and anger at both wealthy businessmen and the government – something that is liable to risk all society.”
