Opposition Leader, Livni, to 2011 Herzliya Conference:

“The masses see Israel through the eyes of Al Jazeera”




Opposition Leader, Livni, to 2011 Herzliya Conference:

“The masses see Israel through the eyes of Al Jazeera”


The Middle East’s leading security & policy conference continues through Feb.9th at the IDC Herzliya Campus



“The masses look at Israel through the eyes of Al Jazeera,” opposition leader and head of the Kadima party MK Tzipi Livni said at the opening of the second day at the Herzliya Conference explaining that the main problem within Israel “is not Hasbara but the lack of decision making.”


Livni repeatedly stressed that the “decision making process is the problem with the government”. It is more problematic to decide on how to select the chief of staff than to actually select the person for the position.


Moreover, there is a conflicting vision within Israel, fighting for buildings versus negotiations, but Israel needs to embark on a unified road. “How can we keep telling the world that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East when we are split between Israel and the (Palestinian) territories.”


Being decision makers and not irresponsibly letting the environment determine Israel’s future and its agenda is the only way to make sure Israel’s fears do not come true. “We cannot wait for the storm to pass without making decisions or the storm will carry us off…the responsible thing, the right thing to do is end the conflict with the Palestinians.”


“This government is not worthy of the people of Israel” who are ready to equally share the burden and defend the country. “Israel cannot continue to live in limbo” The conflict is one that is solvable, if Israel will act now. Once the conflict is resolved, all the puzzle pieces will fall into place.

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