Yediot Aharonot asserts that „The current Government’s obstinacy will ultimately lead not only to a freeze in settlements but also to the loss of our diplomatic ability to continue holding onto the large settlement blocs.”
Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press
Yediot Aharonot asserts that „The current Government’s obstinacy will ultimately lead not only to a freeze in settlements but also to the loss of our diplomatic ability to continue holding onto the large settlement blocs.”
Ma’ariv discusses the current debate over the post of Attorney General and opines that „Israel requires a strong chief prosecutor who will fight crime and a strong attorney general who will criticize the Government. That will only be brought about by a division of authority.”
Yisrael Hayom argues that „The Likud Chairman rose to power with a very clear vision. He is certain that the solution with the Palestinians will come, not through summit meetings in the palaces of Europe and not on manicured American lawns – but rather through a long and Sisyphean process which will sprout from bottom to top.” The author continues: „The Palestinian leadership is repulsive in Netanyahu’s eyes. According to his outlook, it has proven its failure time and again. In his opinion, the only solution is to create a new reality, in which the Palestinian people will want peace and force it upon their leadership.”
Nana10 warns that „Sharon wanted to stray from the right path and quickly founded the Kadima party. Netanyahu was undermined after he began to stray too far and so it will happen in our parliamentary democracy to any right-wing prime minister who misleads in leftist clothing. Judea and Samaria, the inheritance of our ancestors, are strips of land which represent the last red line to a large segment of the population and to their many representatives in the Knesset. Eventually, Bibi will need to choose again between the path and the position.”
Walla maintains that „Even though the differences between them are beclouded, the present and previous prime ministers are doing the same thing with the settlements – building, concealing and evading. So why does Bibi get pressured more?”
The Jerusalem Post feels that Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa has for years been a constant source of regional negativity. The editor opines that by doing all he can to block US efforts to line up some normalization gestures from the Arab states toward Israel as part of a package to relaunch the diplomatic process, Moussa’s rhetoric is moving the region back to square one.
Haaretz determines that ” all means on the way to destroying the attorney general’s independence are legitimate in the hands of interested parties who want to protect governmental corruption and make it an established thing.” Adding that „the attorney general is the main axis of the war on criminality and corruption,” the editor calls on policy makers to leave his authority as it is, and to leave Mazuz’s successor to continue the worthy path of the current attorney general.”