HA’ARETZ 1. (…). SENIOR UN OFFICIAL: SANCTIONS WILL NOT BE IMPOSED ON SYRIA. (…). 2. SHAS’S SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLATFORM LIKELY TO ADVANCE LIKUD INITIATIVE TO POSTPONE ELECTIONS. 3. Seven security guards at Netanya’s Hasharon Mall have quit since last week’s terrorist attack. „NOT WORTH DYING FOR MINIMUM WAGE,” SAYS SECURITY GUARD WHO QUIT. HATZOFEH 1. (…). MELIS REPORT: SYRIA RESPONSIBLE FOR HARIRI’S MURDER. (…). 2. SHARON CONCERNED ABOUT INITIATIVE TO ESTABLISH ALTERNATIVE GOVERNMENT. Shas likely to join initiative to establish alternative government of 61 MKs if it supports socio-economic plan to be presented today. Peretz: I will not lend a hand to establishment of alternative government. 3. WORMS RETURN TO GUSH KATIF GREENHOUSES. Palestinians fail in attempt to grow worm-free vegetables for haredi sector in Israel. Thousands of additional workers allowed into Israel. 4. FATAH TERRORIST, OPERATED BY HIZBULLAH, ARRESTED NEAR NABLUS. MA’ARIV 1. Adva Center report to be issued today determines: ASHKENAZIM EARN 36% MORE THAN SEPHARDIM. Top two deciles hold 50% of revenues. 35% earn minimum wage or less. One-third of poor work. 2. CONCERN: ASSAD AGAIN LIKELY TO IGNITE NORTH. IDF raises alert on border. (…). 3. Ma’ariv-Teleseker/TNS poll: NETANYAHU CONTINUING TO LEAD. Poll of Likud members carried out last night: Silvan closing the gap. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Yediot Ahronot and Mina Tzemach/Dahaf poll carried out last night – Likud members: Netanyahu 39%, Shalom, 29%. One-third of party members: We won’t vote Likud. SHALOM CLOSING THE GAP. Only 50% of members promise to vote and these give Netanyahu sweeping first-round victory with 45%, Shalom, 30%, Feiglin, 14%, Katz 4%. Every fifth Likud member: I will vote Kadima. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot discusses the controversy over the construction and placing of cellular telephone antennas. Hatzofeh says that the recent report in Britain’s Sunday Times that Israel is planning to attack Iran’s nuclear sites should not have surprised anyone. The editors believe that, „The free world, led by the US and European countries, and including the State of Israel, is consulting on how to prevent Iran from equipping itself with nuclear weapons and it may be assumed that they will act in concert when the day comes in order to fulfill this mission. The British newspaper’s ‘scoop’ was not new. As of now, Israel won’t be the only country to attack Iran.”