______________________________ Yediot Ahronot comments on the state of IDF reserve units and claims that they should not be placed in a position where they have to fight since a lack of regular training means that they are no longer qualified to carry out such tasks. Hatzofeh discusses Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s economic policies, specifically his desire to turn Israel into a free market economy. The editors remind him that Israel’s economic priorities are different to other western countries and urge him not to forget that. BPI-info

HEADLINES FROM THE HEBREW PRESS HA’ARETZ 1. BUSH-SHARON MEETING: DISAGREEMENT OVER SETTLEMENTS AND CONTINUATION OF NEGOTIATIONS. Bush: „Israel has Roadmap commitment not to expand settlements.” Sharon: „Settlement blocs to remain under our control.” Israel: There were no differences of opinion. 2. BENEFITS PACKAGE FOR SETTLERS WHO MOVE TO NITZANIM: LOT, EXEMPTION FROM DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES AND GRANT. Compensation basket: Land – up to 1.2-dunam lot. Construction – building rights for two homes. Money – compensation for home in Gush Katif. Grant – $30,000 „Negev grant.” 3. Additional Civil Administration officer suspected in land theft. POLICE CONVINCED THAT LANDS WERE TAKEN FROM PALESTINIANS, BUT THEY WILL REMAIN WITH JNF. 4. HEZBOLLAH DRONE IN NORTHERN SKIES – SECOND TIME. Air Force planes were summoned but failed to locate drone. HATZOFEH 1. Upon conclusion of Sharon-Bush meeting disagreement on settlements remains. SHARON: ATMOSPHERE IN ISRAEL LIKE BEFORE CIVIL WAR. Sharon assured Bush that illegal outposts would be dismantled. Bush promised that Israel will be able to keep large settlement blocs. However, he made it clear that expansion of settlements must be stopped. Sharon called on Palestinians to coordinate uprooting with Israel. (.). 2. Escalation. MOFAZ MAKES IT CLEAR: DESPITE EVERYTHING, CALM STILL BEING TESTED. 3. Infiltration. HEZBOLLAH DRONE FLEW OVER NAHARIYA AND ACRE. MA’ARIV 1. Bush to Sharon: Success of disengagement will affect continuation of process. „EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON GAZA.” Farm meeting replete with smiles: Bush gave Sharon cowboy boots, and received hamsa charm in return. But differences of opinion surfaced at press conference. President Bush reiterated: Construction in territories must stop. 2. Expose: OFFER: $900 MILLION FOR BANK LEUMI. Investors offer to buy shares that were designated for public. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Texas summit: Bush and Sharon set aside differences of opinion. EXPANDED AMERICAN AID FOR NEGEV AND GALILEE DEVELOPMENT. „My God, this sounds logical” – President Bush praised Sharon’s Disengagement Plan. He demanded assertively: „Don’t expand settlements,” but was silent when Sharon stated that Israel would keep settlement blocs. BPI-info