HEADLINES & EDITORIALS Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 12:42:36 +0200 HAARETZ 1. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE DISALLOWS 30 KM OF FENCE: SEVERELY HARMS PALESTINIANS AND VIOLATES INTERNATIONAL LAW. Effect of verdict on additional sections of separation fence to be examined; assessment: Decision will delay construction of fence by at least three months. 2. ISRAELI DEVELOPMENT: NOW ITS POSSIBLE TO SEE THROUGH WALLS AS WELL. 3. CALL TO DISMISS RABBI WHO SPOKE ABOUT DEATH PENALTY. HATZOFEH 1. Horrifying accident during first minute of summer vacation: LAST DAY OF CLASSES. (
). 2. MOFAZ: HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE DECISION TO DELAY FENCE CONSTRUCTION FOR MONTHS. In rare directive, High Court of Justice disallowed most of IDF-planned northern Jerusalem fence route, ruled that it excessively harmed Palestinians and ordered 40 km. of fence to be moved.
). LAST DAY. (
). 2. CONCERN: HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE RULING WILL DELAY CONSTRUCTION OF FENCE. In unprecedented decision, route of fence in Maccabim-Givat Zeev area disallowed. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Dead in children disaster: Two sisters and 14-year-old boy. THEY DIDNT COME HOME. (
). 2. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAYS NO TO SEPARATION FENCE IN JERUSALEM AREA. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot says that yesterday the High Court of Justice placed three conditions on the continued construction of the security fence. First, the fence must not be political. Second, it must not establish state borders. Third, it must not unjustly harm
the already existing fabric of the Palestinian population. The High Court of Justices ruling yesterday that parts of the security fence are illegal was based on the third consideration, however the fact that the court accepted parts of the fence proves that it is possible to build a fence based on all three criteria. The editors point out that, The security fence is essential to Israels safety. There is no doubt of that. However, the paper is certain that there will be further claims against the legality of the fence and urge that in order to not completely freeze construction of the fence, (something which could result in further preventable terror attacks), those responsible for planning the route, should bring the full route before the court
those parts which are approved will be built immediately. Alternative routes will be proposed for those parts which are ruled out. Hatzofeh urges the National Religious Party to make every effort to ensure internal unity. BPI: