29.03.04 HA’ARETZ 1. Greek island file. SHARON TOLD APPEL: “THE ISLAND IS OURS.” Sentence spoken during conversation in which Appel promised Gilad “a lot of money.” Sharon, during investigation: Possible that it was said in jest. State Prosecutor’s Office: Cannot treat this statement lightly. Arbel forwards draft indictment to Attorney General. Assessment: Mazuz will decide within a month whether or not to try PM. Appel’s attorneys criticize Arbel’s decision to publicize her position.

2. PREPARATIONS FOR “NEW RESERVE DUTY MODEL”: SERVICE ONLY DURING EMERGENCIES AND LOWERING OF EXEMPTION AGE. 3. Iraqi failure. INTELLIGENCE REPORT: LOW CHANCES OF IMPLEMENTATION. 4. US REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE TERM “SETTLEMENT BLOCS.” 5. EGYPT TRYING TO RESTORE CONTROL TO PA. HATZOFEH 1. Arbel submits draft indictment against PM to Attorney General. “GREEN LIGHT” FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR PREPARING INDICTMENT AGAINST SHARON. Mazuz: Indictment will be filed against Sharon only on basis of non-circumstantial evidence. Attorney General’s decision to be given within two months. 2. “LESSONS FROM WAR IN IRAQ: DON’T TURN INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT INTO EMPTY VESSEL.” Sharp criticism of IDF Intelligence’s and other security services’ modus operandi and assessments on eve of war. 3. RESERVE DUTY 2004: FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY, ONLY SOME SOLDIERS. This is main recommendation of special ministerial committee that examined the issue. 4. SHALOM FOLLOWING NETANYAHU: SPEAKS AGAINST DISENGAGEMENT PLAN AT LIKUD MINISTERS’ MEETING – BUT SETS CONDITIONS FOR SUPPORT. 5. FOR SECOND TIME WITHIN FOUR DAYS: IDF ARRESTS 16-YEAR-OLD SUICIDE TERRORIST IN NABLUS. Last Thursday: 16-year-old terrorist with explosive belt arrested. Two weeks ago, it was an 11-year-old boy from Nablus who was asked by Tanzim to carry bomb, without his knowledge. In contrast to two previous cases – initiators yesterday were from Islamic Jihad. MA’ARIV 1. “RESERVE DUTY ONLY DURING EMERGENCIES.” Yesterday: Ministerial committee accepted Mofaz’s proposal for revolution in 2005: Cancellation of operational duty. 2. “GILAD SHARON IS MAIN IMPETUS BEHIND DISENGAGEMENT.” Sharon’s aides confirm: PM’s son is pressing for implementation of disengagement. 3. “ESTABLISH NATIONAL WIRETAPPING AGENCY.” Steinitz committee issues sharp report on intelligence failures regarding Iraq and Libya. Among recommendations: Structural change of intelligence community. 4. MADONNA LANDING IN [TEL AVIV’S] BLOOMFIELD [STADIUM]. Many foreign artists canceling their appearances in Israel but Madonna will come for two performances in September. 5. BEFORE HOLIDAY: LOOSENING OF RESTRICTIONS IN ISSUING VISAS TO US. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. RESERVE DUTY REVOLUTION. Not every soldier who finishes compulsory service will do reserve duty, thousands will be exempt. Reserves to be mobilized only during emergencies and for training – not ongoing security. Length of reserve duty to be limited: Maximum of 42 days over three years. All reservists to be exempt at 36. 2. MAZUZ ESTIMATES: FILE AGAINST SHARON IS “PROBLEMATIC.” Attorney General says in closed conversations that while evidence against PM does not seem unequivocal, he has yet to decide whether or not to submit indictment. Arbel’s confidants: Evidence is strong enough. 3. LOOSENING OF VISA RESTRICTIONS FOR ISRAELIS WHO WERE BORN IN ARAB COUNTRIES. Americans softening: Visas to be given at same speed as to everyone to those who were born in Arab countries. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Both papers discuss the possible indictment of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: Hatzofeh doubts whether there is enough proof in the Greek island affair to convict Prime Minister Sharon, but declares that, “The case with the meat is the Cyril Kern affair, which will be very difficult for Ariel Sharon to detach himself from and cast criminal responsibility on his son.” The editors call on the Prime Minister to resign if he is indicted. Yediot Ahronot urges Attorney General Meni Mazuz to decide quickly in order to minimize instability in the Israeli political system. __________ Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, discusses the repercussions of the report released yesterday criticizing Israeli intelligence prior to the Iraq war. Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, criticizes the government for finally deciding to pay local municipality workers one month’s salary ahead of the Passover holiday. The editors call on the government to pay the workers the money owed to them. BPI.