21 Jan 2004 HAARETZ 1. PM and the Greek island. APPEL TO BE INDICTED FOR BRIBING SHARON. Presumed bribe: In Greek island affair and apparently in Ginaton affair as well. To also be apparently indicted for bribing Olmert in Greek island affair. Strengthens assumption that those involved were active in deal. Leaves opening for indictments against Sharon, his son and Olmert. 2. IDF ATTACKS TWO HIZBALLAH COMMAND CENTERS IN SOUTHERN LEBANON.
HATZOFEH 1. Mofaz in security consultations: Syria responsible for Hizballah actions. AIR FORCE PLANES ATTACK HIZBALLAH BASES IN SOUTHERN LEBANON. Attacked bases served as war materiel warehouses; Hizballah holds training for attacks there. Syrian ambassador in US: We will agree to resumption of negotiations without preconditions – we want to receive Golan Heights as result of negotiations and not in war. 2. PAKISTAN DENIES: WE WILL NOT HOST ISRAELI MINISTER. 3. INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION INDICATED EXPLOSIVES TUNNEL IN RAFIAH – IDF SEARCH FAILED TO LOCATE IT. 4. Again – policemen without tags. IDF AND POLICE DESTROY STRUCTURE USED AS SYNAGOGUE AT TAPUAH-WEST OUTPOST. 5. ESTABLISHMENT NEWSPAPERS IN EGYPT PRAISE EREZ CHECKPOINT ATTACK. MAARIV 1. (
). 2. AIR FORCE PLANES ATTACK SOUTHERN LEBANON. In response to killing of IDF soldier on northern border. Mofaz orders: Whoever is responsible for he incident will get it, without touching Syria and without deterioration of situation. 3. KAHANE COLLEGE EVACUATED BY FORCE. Hundreds of soldiers and police confront settlers. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Unprecedented indictment: APPEL BRIBED SHARON. For first time in history of state, man will be indicted today for bribing someone who was afterwards elected prime minister. Indictment against Appel raises suspicion that other senior officials committed serious acts. 2. NORTH ON ALERT FOR HIZBALLAH RESPONSE. Yesterday: Air Force attacked Hizballah targets deep inside Lebanon, following killing of soldier in bulldozer. Senior IDF officers: Relatively moderate response in order not to escalate situation. IDF deploys forces along border due to fear of conflagration. 3. Yediot Ahronot poll carried out by Mina Tzemah/Dahaf: 52%: LET YIGAL AMIR GET MARRIED. However, 74% want murderer to remain in prison for the rest of his life. _________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot discusses the ongoing crisis regarding the financing of Israels local authorities. Hatzofeh refers to the situation on the northern border. The editors believe that, The snake Nasrallah knows that Israel wants to avoid Katyushas being fired at Kiryat Shemona and Haifa Bay and therefore, he allows himself to launch ant-tank rockets at IDF forces without any fear of response, and asserts that, The successful withdrawal from Lebanon turned the entire north into a hostage to a small army of terrorists. The paper mockingly suggests that the government consider evacuating the border moshav of Zarit and its neighboring communities. BPI.