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January 22, 2018 / 6 Shevat 5778 |
The Yishai Fleisher Show
False God Slayers
Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai to delve into the rejection of the Egyptian gods yesterday, and the continued slaying of false gods today. Then, Elie Pieprz, Director of International Relations at the Council of Judea and Samaria on Abbas’ recent mental meltdown. |
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The Israeli Left’s “Come to Bibi Moment”
Israel Rising
Thanks to some solidly honest remarks by the evil terrorist despot Abbas, the entire spectrum of Israeli thought on issues vis-a-vis the Palestinians SHOULD shift dramatically rightward. |
Democrats Go Soft on Anti-Semitism
Commentary Magazine
Democrats stood against Marcus because he is not far enough to the left of students at one of the most left-leaning universities in a universe of left-leaning universities . He is just too damned hard on anti-Semitism. |
Trump Dropped a Truth Bomb on the Middle East
Daniel Krygier
Time has come to tell the PLO that the game is up, they lost and are in no position to demand anything from anyone. Accepting defeat could be the best thing for the Arabs of the PA |
Where’s the March Against Anti-Semitism?
Paul Gherkin
The reality is that the group that suffers the most hate crimes is not blacks, Muslims, women or gays, it is Jews. Year-in and year-out. And no one speaks up for them at these marches. |
Israel is Worthy and Winning
David Weinberg
Wise and important actors around the world are coming to the conclusion that Israel is an anchor of sanity and a source of ingenuity in an unruly world and are willing to develop new partnerships with the start-up nation. |
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Let Israel WIN!
Vic Rosenthal
Daniel Pipes said nothing would be better for the Palestinians in the long run than losing hope, because the fundamental cause of the conflict is Palestinian rejectionism |
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