Jewish Leaders Celebrate Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration | Abrams: Rage Over Jerusalem Will Be Short-Lived | New York Times Botches Coverage of Jerusalem

Jewish Leaders Celebrate Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration | Abrams: Rage Over Jerusalem Will Be Short-Lived | New York Times Botches Coverage of Jerusalem

December 6, 2017Palestinian, Muslim Rage Over Trump Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital Will Be Short-Lived, Senior Former White House Official PredictsPalestinian and Muslim world leaders reacted furiously to US President Donald Trump’s formal recognition…MoreIsraeli Leaders Hail US President Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Jewish State’s CapitalTop Israeli officials reacted with across-the-board praise on Wednesday after US President Donald Trump…MoreFollowing Trump’s Lead, Czech Republic Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s CapitalJust hours after US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Wednesday, the…More
A Momentous Day: Jewish Leaders and Israel Advocates Respond to Trump Announcement on Jerusalemby Algemeiner StaffUS President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Wednesday brought forth an outburst of commentary and reaction from virtually all of the pro-Israel groups in America. By any standard, this was…More
Four Ways The New York Times Botches Coverage of JerusalemThe run-up to President Trump’s speech about Jerusalem provided the New York Times with an opportunity…More