Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Today’s issues: Israel’s anachronistic censor, partners in the Temple Mount, Muslin self-racism, and an alliance tested.
The Jerusalem Post uses Israel’s news blackout regarding the attack on a security guard at the Israeli embassy in Amman while full reports were available in the foreign press and social media to demonstrate the country’s anachronistic insistence on censorship, and declares: “at a time when the entire world is reporting about an incident that has the potential to spark a major diplomatic and security meltdown, Israel needs to think twice before retreating into a shell of silence and allowing media outlets hostile to the Jewish state to present their slanted version of events.”
Haaretz commends the Cabinet’s decision to remove the metal detectors that were recently installed at the entrances to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, apparently part of a deal forced on the cabinet by the events at the Israeli Embassy in Jordan, and notes: “The lesson from the crisis: Israel needs Arab and Muslim allies, who are just as fearful of a conflagration that could set the streets in Arab nations on fire.”
Yediot Aharonot discusses the Muslim sector’s rejection of the installation of metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount under the guise of it being ‘an offense to Muslim honor,’ and wonders: “Why do Muslims insist on being inferior? Why are they refusing to see themselves as equals? They’re allowed to call for the destruction of others, publish anti-Semitic cartoons and attach electronic bracelets to every Mecca pilgrim, but when others do so, it’s ‘an offense to Muslim honor.’”
Israel Hayom commends both Israel and Jordan for the restraint they both showed in their handling of the diplomatic crisis that erupted with Jordan Sunday night and predicts: “Despite the current tensions and upheaval, Jordan and Israel will maintain their strategic partnership, even if it is hidden from view.”
[Ben-Dror Yemini and Eyal Zisser wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, respectively. |