Lag B’Omer Edition | Arab seeking Jewish conversion imprisoned

Lag B’Omer Edition | Arab seeking Jewish conversion imprisoned | How many terrorists are really striking? | Bloodthirsty Mayor of Hebron | Amazon offers Jewish genetic testing | L’il Hazma Bin Laden | – May 14, 2017


May 14, 2017 / 18 Iyyar 5777
The Lag B’Omer Edition
The Jewish Press Print Edition


Lag B’Omer – Mother’s Day Special

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Lag B’Omer

Lag B’Omer Bonfires at Meron Light Up Night, Brings Prayers & Music By Day

Hana Levi Julian
The 6 am nightmare of police shutting down the buses and miles of traffic all gets wiped away the second the passenger reaches his destination and becomes one with the dancing crowd.


Rabbi Aba Wagensberg
Thoughts on the holy chag of Lag Ba’Omer.

The Shotz Dynasty’s Lag B’Omer Bonfire on Mt. Miron

David Israel
Rabbi Yoel Moscowicz, the first Rebbe of Shotz, was a fifth generation descendant of the founder of Hasidism Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov.

International Museum Day Celebrated Monday, May 15

Hana Levi Julian
The museums in Israel, especially, house priceless treasures of our nation’s past and present.

Headlines & Recommended
Arab Seeking Jewish ConversionImprisoned by Siblings

Policemen who arrived at the house rescued the young man.

How Many Jailed Terrorists Are Actually on a Hunger Strike?

These terrorists just aren’t serious about getting their additional cable TV channels.

Bloodthirsty Terrorist ElectedMayor of Hebron

Hana Levi Julian
Convicted Palestinian Authority killer Taysir Abu Vesnina, a member of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction, has been elected Mayor of Hebron.

Knesset Delegation in RomeThwarts PA Anti-Israel Proposal

David Israel
The PA representative, Zuhair Sandouka, attacked Israel, but his speech was cut short by Committee Chairman Renato Soru, an Italian member of the European Parliament.

Report: Columbia U ‘Nakba Project’ Sponsored by Israeli NGO, Dutch Government

David Israel
Of the 32 authors listed on the project’s website, 17 openly support the BDS movement, three are affiliated with BDS organizations and six work for the radical, anti-Israel NGO Adalah.

Li’l Hamza Bin Laden Wants to Kill Americans and Jews

Hamza is a ‘specially designated global terrorist’ according to the US government, same classification as his father.

Genetics Company, Amazon, Offering Online Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Screening Test

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly one in five people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are carriers of a Jewish genetic disorder.

Sebastian Gorka and The Rising Madness of the Jewish Left

Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon
Despite the media obsession with Gorka himself, he is only the latest chapter in the real story: the increasing hysteria of the Jewish left.

Netanyahu Trusts National Cyberdefense Authority to Block Ransomware Attack

David Israel
The PM also commented on a disturbing episode that had taken place in Jerusalem the night before.

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The Yishai Fleisher Show

What’s the Hebrew Date?
Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai to marvel at the genius of the Jewish cycle as described by the Torah portion of „Emor” and the specialness of hidden days like Second Pesach and Lag BaOmer.

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PA Arrest of Official Reveals Widespread Corruption in Real Estate Registry
A Civil Administration official has been detained by the Palestinian Authority for more than a month and is accused of forging real estate documents working for a “gang” producing fraudulent land registration, Makor Rishon reported Sunday. The PA public prosecutor is expected to decide soon on the legal steps against the accused. The PA Intelligence […]
Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman to Visit Yad Vashem
Groysman was the first Jew to occupy a high political office when he was elected as House Speaker in 2014.
Rivlin to Montreal Jewish Federation: Israel Both Jewish and Democratic State
‘There has been a Jewish majority in this city, for 150 years, since 1850.”
Defunct Israeli Channel Misleads Eurovision with Fake Pullout News
A fool with a microphone can destroy worlds.
Jewish-Owned Car Attacked in Hebron
No one was physically hurt in the attack.
Saudi Arabia Produces Saqr-1 Strategic Drone
The new unmanned aerial vehicle is a medium altitude long endurance drone.

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Sebastian Gorka and The Rising Madness of the Jewish Left

Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon
Despite the media obsession with Gorka himself, he is only the latest chapter in the real story: the increasing hysteria of the Jewish left.

Mahmoud Abbas, You are Not Educating for Peace

Rachel Avraham
On the White House lawn, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told US President Donald Trump: “Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, and our grandchildren on a culture of peace.” Unfortunately, the reality cannot be further from the truth. To the contrary, Mahmoud Abbas is educating Palestinian children […]

The Urgent Need For A National Heritage Center At Beit El

Rabbi Yehuda Bohrer
The abundance of archeological evidence in the Beit El area proves that the place of Jacob’s vision became, from early on, a national monument and deserves the Biblical Heritage Center at Beit El

Jerusalem Fifty Years Later

Hillel Fendel and Chaim Silberstein /
We, today’s Jewish people, in two weeks, will be privileged to share in an historic milestone: The 50th anniversary of the liberation and reunification of Yerushalayim under Israeli sovereignty.

INTO THE FRAY: An Imperative Precursor for Victory-A Diplomatic “Iron-Dome”

Dr. Martin Sherman
Israel requires a massive strategic public diplomacy offensive to generate the freedom of action required for victory-oriented policy

Don’t Blame UNESCO

Moshe Feiglin
Allowing Jordan virtual sovereignty of the Temple Mount, the heart of Jerusalem and of the Jewish nation, how can we find fault with the UNESCO vote on Jerusalem?

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Evil Council
Abu Yehuda
Vic Rosenthal
Minister Miri Regev is the most recent Israeli official (Levi Eshkol, numerous literary figures and government officials since 1948) calling for the return to Israel of the UN site in Jerusalem
An Open Letter to ALL Parents in Bet Shemesh
Guest Blog
Rav Zev Shandalov
The Tzniut Police of Bet Shemesh have shed JEWISH blood in the name of Judaism. The “police office” who made the decision that a woman was not properly dressed was a fourteen-year-old child.
How Many Jailed Terrorists Are Actually on a Hunger Strike?
These terrorists just aren’t serious about getting their additional cable TV channels.

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Video of the Day

The Shotz Dynasty’s Lag B’Omer Bonfire on Mt. Miron

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Photo of the Day

Chalakeh (Upsherin)

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