5 Questions You Should Be Asking After Iowa

5 Questions You Should Be Asking After Iowa

JTA Daily Briefing [email protected]

February 2, 2016
JTA Daily Briefing

5 questions Jews should be asking after Iowa

Hillary Clinton
Until Super Tuesday, here are the known unknowns for the Jewish and Middle East obsessed. Read more »

Clinton campaign claims Iowa victory, Sanders calls result a ‘virtual tie’ 

Clinton finished with 49.9 percent of the Iowa precincts and Sanders 49.6 percent early Tuesday morning. Read more »

Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? How the Jewish celebrity vote breaks down

The two Democrats finished neck and neck in Iowa, and the all-important race for Jewish celebrity endorsements is close too. Read more »

Lower East Side icon Russ & Daughters expanding to Brooklyn

The nearly century-old emporium is bringing its smoked fish and other Ashkenazi favorites to a 14,000-square-feet store in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Read more »

Breaking News

Report: Pro-settlements firm forged 14 of 15 West Bank land deals

Adelsons each give maximum $2,700 to Cruz campaign

Facebook’s Zuckerberg surpasses Koch brothers, now world’s 6th wealthiest person 

LA Lakers sign Jewish teenager with brain cancer to one-day deal

Israel’s Knesset passes ‘stop and frisk’ law 


Will Iowa absence hurt Joe Lieberman? 

The „first viable Jewish candidate for president” skipped the caucuses to focus on campaigning in New Hampshire. Read more »

What We’re Reading

Why French Jewish people are moving to London (BBC) 

Twisting inquiry into Buenos Aires bombing takes new turn (N.Y. Times) 

Paul Singer, GOP’s anti-Adelson, makes his move (Forward)

Why Israel couldn’t save Prime Minister Rabin (Daily Beast) 

Violating someone else’s Sabbath (Southern & Jewish)

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