Az izraeli média vezércikkeiből angolul

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press


 MFA Newsletter 

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Today’s issues: Talking Turkey, the persecution of human rights groups won’t hide Israel’s injustices, Saudi Arabia’s regional hegemony, and President Rivlin must eschew politics.

The Jerusalem Post calls on the government not to underestimate the importance of the Turkish suggestion to ‘normalize’ the bilateral relationship, and points out that because “The region is seeing an unprecedented series of peace efforts in various conflicts that may signal a shift toward a new era,” now is the time for bold diplomacy. The editor believes that Israel has an opportunity to play a role in blunting Iran’s advance alongside regional partners that have mutual goals, such as the Kurds, Turks and Saudis, and declares: “It is time for Jerusalem to swallow its pride and make strategic decisions for the future of Israel in the Middle East.”

Haaretz comments on the zealous criticism of Breaking the Silence and other Israeli human rights groups, and states: “Israel is slowly sinking toward the bottom of the swamp in which the darkest of countries are found. Its leaders have adopted the paranoia typical of the leaders of authoritarian states. Those leaders, like their Israeli counterparts, are not concerned with human rights, but believe that hiding the truth will help preserve their countries’ reputation.” The editor argues that in contrast “human rights groups are a small but significant source of light that preserves the flame of democracy,” and calls on the general populace to “vigorously defend them, support their work, and join their ranks. This is a struggle for the character of Israeli citizenship against a leadership that has launched a witchhunt against those who try to defend the public’s rights.”

Yediot Aharonot discusses Saudi Arabia’s new status as a regional power, military leader and key player in the global economy, and notes that with the Saudi’s emergence as the leaders and financial backers of most of the moderate Arab regimes, “it’s clear why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most of the opposition leaders in Israel are allegedly pinning their hopes on a relationship and even an alliance with the Saudis – both because we have shared interests in the war against Iran’s hegemony ambitions and nuclear program and because we have a shared interest to fight radical Islamic terror.”

Israel Hayom criticizes President Rivlin’s increasing involvement in politics, which, the author believes, “‎should be beyond his domain,” and declares: “As president, Rivlin should avoid contributing further to the already dysfunctional ‎Israeli political arena. He must resist the temptation to seek public support by ‎engaging in anti-government or populist rhetoric. He must restrict himself to his ‎constitutional role, remain above politics, and never engage in direct or indirect ‎criticism of the government. He certainly should not identify in any way with ‎Jewish or other groups whose principal objective is to besmirch and undermine ‎his government. This applies especially when he is abroad.”

[Ron Ben-Yishai and Isi Leibler wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, respectively.