Joint statement of the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia

Joint statement of the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia

A V4-országok közös nyilatkozatot fogadtak el az ukrajnai helyzetről

A rendkívüli visegrádi miniszterelnöki csúcstalálkozót követően sajtótájékoztatót tartott Orbán Viktor magyar, Donald Tusk lengyel, Robert Fico szlovák és Bohuslav Sobotka cseh miniszterelnök az Országház Delegációs termében.

A videó sztereó csatornáin az eredeti hang és és a szinkrontolmács hangja hallható.

Az ukrajnai helyzet miatt Orbán Viktor operatív törzs létrehozására kérte a belügyminisztert. A kormányfő elmondta: szerdán arra utasította Pintér Sándor belügyminisztert, hogy „készítse fel az országot arra a helyzetre, hogyha Ukrajnában a dolgok nem a kedvező kibontakozás irányába mutatnak”.

Orbán Viktor elmondta: azért kérték Csehország és Szlovákia miniszterelnökét, hogy csatlakozzon a lengyel-magyar kormányfői csúcs befejeztével hozzájuk, hogy megbeszélhessék, milyen közös lépéseket tudnak tenni az egyre komolyabbá váló ukrán helyzet megoldásának segítéséhez. Megerősítette: a felek megállapodtak a belügyminiszterek sürgős találkozójában is.

The Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and
Slovakia express deep concern about the dramatic development of
events in Ukraine. We strongly condemn the cycle of violence which
has already resulted in several fatalities. This cannot be justified
by any reason.
The Visegrad Group countries, as neighbours of Ukraine, are
convinced that the use of force cannot contribute to the resolution
of political conflicts. A further escalation of the crisis endangers
the future of Ukraine and threatens with a complete destabilization
of the country. In this regard, we are also concerned about the role
played by extremist groups in the events.
Therefore, we, the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group
countries are convinced that all responsible Ukrainian stakeholders
– including the authorities, the opposition and representatives of
civil society – should be guided by their historical responsibility
to preserve a stable, democratic and unified Ukraine. We call on all
sides to stop immediately the spiral of violence. We call upon the
authorities to respect the right of Ukrainians to peaceful assembly
and to the freedom of expression. The cancellation of the laws
passed on 16 January is a promising first step towards a possible
compromise, which can contribute to finding a way out of this crisis.
We believe in the paramount importance of developing civil
society, the mobility of students, independent media, as well as
small and medium-sized enterprises. In this regard, introducing a
visa-free regime with Ukraine as soon as possible has particular
importance. We are ready to further mobilize the International
Visegrad Fund to finance projects supporting development of civil
society in Ukraine, facilitate people-to-people contacts and offer
scholarships for Ukrainian students in V4 countries. We also call
for the increase of the Erasmus+ Programme budget in order to expand
the opportunity for Ukrainians to study in the EU from their current
level of only a few dozen students.
Only a genuine and meaningful national dialogue can offer a way
out of the crisis and pave the way for the rebuilding of trust and
lead towards a stable, democratic and prosperous  Ukraine.
Budapest, 29 January 2014