A személyes imakérés Szukkotkor

A személyes imakérés Szukkotkor

Will you join me in prayer this Feast of Tabernacles?
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Shalom dear friends,

Tonight begins the joyous Biblical festival of Sukkot, known as the Feast of Tabernacles. Earlier today, I picked up my set of the 4 Species and my children just finished making and hanging their colorful Sukkah decorations. Coming off the heals of the “High Holy Days” Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the 8 days of Sukkot have a more upbeat feeling, as captured by the festive prayers Jews recite in synagogue each day while proudly waving the Lulav (palm), Hadassim (myrtle), Aravot (willow) and Etrog (citrus).

While Sukkot is always a special time, I am particularly moved this year to invite you to join me in prayer for the next 8 days on behalf of an organization very close to my heart, ‘Israel Returns.’ Israel Returns has brought thousands of Jews from the 4 corners of the world back to the Land of Israel and to their Jewish roots – truly a great fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.  As an “oleh” (immigrant to Israel) myself, I witnessed first hand the wondrous miracle that God is performing in our generation, and I urge you to be a part of it!

Please join me in prayer this Sukkot for the Ingathering of Israel.

In recent years and before our very eyes, millions of Jews have left their homes in America, Europe, Africa and Asia to return to Israel – just as the Bible promised long ago. There is, however, a small and ancient community in India of lost Jews known as the “Bnei Menashe” (descendants of Menasseh) who are longing to finally come back home to Zion. In the next few weeks, the government of Israel will vote on whether to bring over 899 Bnei Menashe and we pray that Israel’s leaders are guided with wisdom to approve their Aliyah.

Won’t you join me, and hundreds of others, by praying each day with our specially prepared 4 Corners Prayer Guide?  It is my hope to bring more visibility and more prayer to this special issue during this special time of year.  Less than a week ago, Jews around the world, including 899 in India concluded Yom Kippur singing “Next Year in Jerusalem.” Let us pray together that next year, all Jews from the 4 corners of the world, are celebrating in their own Sukkah in the Land of Israel.


Chag Sameach / A joyous Sukkot to one and all,

Rabbi Tuly Weisz