Summary of Editorials from the Izraeli Hebrew Press

Summary of Editorials from the Izraeli Hebrew Press

Yediot Aharonot comments on the success of Iron Dome in Operation Pillar of Defense. The author notes that Israel has always based its security doctrine „on the ability to strike at the enemy quickly, on his territory,” but adds, „A dramatic increase in defensive measures provides the leadership with the ability to exercise restraint, which is a diplomatic advantage.”The Jerusalem Post writes: „Despite claims to the contrary, building in E1 would not necessarily undermine the contiguity of a future Palestinian state. An access road could easily allow Palestinian traffic from the south and north to pass east of Ma’aleh Adumim and continue northward or southward. While the timing of our government’s announcement might result in negative diplomatic repercussions, building in Jerusalem and E1 protects integral Israeli interests recognized and protected by both left-wing and right-wing governments for well over a decade.”

Yisrael Hayom finds it odd that former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is now portraying Abu Mazen as a peacemaker especially in light of the fact that four years ago the Palestinian leader ignored his „generous offer for creating a Palestinian state.” The author acknowledges that there are those who doubt Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s sincerity in espousing the two-state solution, but adds that there can be no doubt about Abu Mazen’s record: „He did not respond to Olmert. He refused to speak with Netanyahu under the same conditions as he spoke with Olmert. Netanyahu halted construction in settlements for ten months yet Abu Mazen still refused to speak with him…There is no doubt that Abu Mazen violated binding agreements when he unilaterally asked the UN to recognize his state.”

Haaretz comments that Israel „must regulate assisted suicide in a way that respects patients’ right to decide they want to end their lives. The Dying Patient Act of 2005 does not allow physicians to actively assist patients in dying or to stop the use of life-saving measures already in place and must be expanded. That doesn’t mean assisted suicide will be universally permitted; continued medical oversight is necessary.”