Izraeli Press Review of 22.03.12

Israeli Press Review of 22.03.12
Major Headlines

Israel to get ’international aid bid’ lessons

Ynet : By Yoav Zitun —UN officials to visit Israel, teach IDF, government officials the ins and outs of bidding for international aid in case of catastrophic events of a national scale…

Police siege of Tolouse shooting suspect ends with his death ; Sarkozy calls for national unity

Haaretz : By Anshel Pfeffer and The Associated Press —After police raid his apartment, suspect jumps out a window and falls to his death, ending the 32-hour episode…

Eli Yishai to Netanyahu : Boycott J Street

The Jerusalem Post : By Gil Hoffman —Interior Minister says Israel should not send representatives to „pro-Israel and pro-peace” group’s conference…
