HEADLINES FROM THE HEBREW PRESS   HA’ARETZ 1. US HAS JOINED DEMAND TO RID MIDDLE EAST OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS Jerusalem certain that the Administration will not pressure Israel to join Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty   2. SPAIN’S MOST FAMOUS CLOWN INVITED TO APPEAR IN RAMALLAH; EXPELLED AFTER INTERROGATION AT BEN-GURION INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ISA, which interrogated the clown for six hours, claims that, ‘suspicions were raised about him.’   3. JUDGE GOLDSTONE: ONLY ISRAEL DOUBTS MY INTEGRITY   MA’ARIV 1. Greece: Three dead in riots. IN FLAMES   2. PLAN TO WORSEN PRISONER CONDITIONS Ministerial committee appointed during tenure of the previous Government decides: In order to pressure Hamas over Shalit, summer camp must end and excessive privileges of security prisoners in Israeli jails must be stopped.  Now, more than a year later, road has been paved: Public Security Minister, and other relevant bodies, have removed their opposition to the move.   YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. GREEK WARS (…).   YISRAEL HAYOM 1. (…). GREECE IN FLAMES, EURO SINKING (…).   2. INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE MOUNTING: „TO RID THE MIDDLE EAST OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS” After US: UN Security Council permanent members join the call. IAEA asks advice: How to convince Israel to join treaty?   WALLA! 1. ABU MAZEN ACCUSES HAMAS OF WEAPONS SMUGGLING Palestinian Authority Chairman attacks Hamas in Asharq Al-Awsat interview.  He said that, „Everyday we find another new weapons cache.”   NANA10 1. ABU MAZEN: HAMAS SMUGGLING ARMS INTO JUDEA AND SAMARIA The Palestinian Authority Chairman said in Asharq Al-Awsat interview that Palestinian security is uncovering, almost daily, large Hamas weapon caches.  „On one hand they punish those who launch rockets, while on the other hand they are accumulating weapons in the West Bank.”   2. DIPLOMATIC SOURCES: ISRAELI GOVERNMENT HAS NO FAITH IN TALKS Proximity talks were supposed to commence this evening, Mitchell and Netanyahu met continually, but there is still no proximity, and not much faith.  Diplomatic sources: American mediation is not fair and is even hostile.   [Headlines for Walla! and Nana10 are from their websites as of 10:35.] ______________________________   SUMMARY OF OP-EDS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS   Yediot Ahronot comments on today’s British elections and ventures that, „Even if they do not officially admit it, in Jerusalem there is a preferred candidate to win the elections – the Conservatives, led by David Cameron.”  The author asserts that, „Jerusalem views Cameron as a true friend of Israel, likewise the Conservatives,” and says that the Conservatives have indicated that they would modify Britain’s line regarding Israel, including amending the law so as to prevent Israelis from being tried in the UK for war crimes.  The paper notes that the Liberal Democrats, led by Nick Clegg, „are seen as the most sharply critical of Israel,” of the three major parties and avers that Jerusalem is very apprehensive, „lest Clegg be appointed Foreign Secretary in a coalition with either the Conservatives or Labor.”   Ma’ariv declares that, „The Arab media is jeering at Hamas’s new weapon—animated cartoons,” and says that, „Commentators are reminding the residents of Gaza of the price they are paying for the organization’s actions.”  The author believes that, „Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s relations with Iran are a red cape in the eyes of most Arabs,” and adds that, „Hamas is seen as a tool in the hands of the other two at the expense of Arab interests.”  The paper claims that, „In Arab eyes, Iran is cynically exploiting the Palestinian issue to achieve a foothold and win prestige in the Arab world, while hiring mercenaries – such as Hezbollah and Hamas – in order to achieve influence in the Middle East, an arena in which it should not interfere.”   Yisrael Hayom suggests that Abu Mazen is uninterested in real negotiations with Israel and prefers – and expects – international pressure to achieve his aims for him, without having to declare an end to the conflict in any peace agreement.


