Haaretz comments: „On Thursday, when soldiers came …
Hatzofeh accuses those who vociferously condemn …
Yediot Aharonot refers …
The Jerusalem Post comments: „It is not every day that all 15 members of the United Nations Security Council rally to Israel’s defense. The wider context of the unanimous vote on Friday condemning Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s calls to „wipe Israel off the map,” however, must be concern that condemnations, in this case, are not enough…
Iran is the chief sponsor of Islamic Jihad, the terrorist organization that just murdered five Israelis in Hadera.
There is, in addition, no doubt that Iran is involved in the terrorist onslaught that has taken the lives of so many Iraqis, Americans, and others in Iraq.
If that weren’t enough, Iran has nuclear aspirations and may be only months away from that fateful point of no return, when it would be capable of manufacturing atomic warheads for long-range missiles already in its arsenals. Iran is the quintessential rogue state…
This means moving beyond condemnations to doing what the UN charter was designed to do: protect international peace and security by imposing stiff multilateral sanctions against international aggressors. The charter, which the Iranian regime has the gall to wrap itself in, was written to be used in precisely such instances. We hope, not just for our own sake but for the world’s, that Iran’s contempt for that charter and the nations meant to implement it are misplaced.”
Haaretz comments: „On Thursday, when soldiers came to evict them, the [settler] youths responded with violence. They cursed the soldiers, hit them and slashed the tires of the military vehicles. In once instance, they tried to burn a minibus brought to evacuate them. The deputy commander of a Samaria-based brigade was hospitalized with eye injuries sustained in the incident.
The settlers’ provocation followed instructions by Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz to evict 15 Jewish families from stores they had seized in the Hebron wholesale market, and his approval of 12 demolitions in the illegal outpost Emunah, near Ofra, east of Ramallah.
The settlers apparently hope to exploit the deterioration in the security situation and the wave of terror attacks to increase their hold on the West Bank, thinking that as Israeli bitterness and hostility toward the Palestinians increases, they will win broader public support and the government and military will hesitate to take against them. The cabinet must set them straight. There can be no connection between the security deterioration and terror and settlements that violate cabinet decisions and Israel’s international undertakings to dismantle illegal settlements and outposts.”
Hatzofeh accuses those who vociferously condemn the incident in which young Jewish demonstrators fought with IDF soldiers at Elon Moreh last week of hypocrisy for not similarly condemning the violence that is often used against IDF soldiers at left-wing demonstrations against the security fence.
Yediot Aharonot refers to its recent interview with Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and notes that he said he does not believe that no peace agreement is possible with the current generation of Palestinian leaders.
(BreuerPress Info)