Hatzofeh is buoyed by recent opinion polls which show that, „The gap between the right-wing bloc and the left-wing bloc is steadily shrinking,” but warns that small fringe right-wing lists that have little chance of passing the minimum vote threshold to get into the Knesset may yet pull enough votes to hurt the right-wing bloc’s chances. Yediot Ahronot refers to last Friday’s incident in Nazareth’s Church of the Annunciation and warns that, „The abyss of the lack of trust between Jews and Arabs in Israel is growing and deepening,” The editors assert that, „It is both possible and justified to make claims against Arab leaders, who are responsible for the fate of their public. But the responsibility of the national leadership, which is composed of Jews, is even greater.” The paper cautions that Friday’s events in Nazareth, „are another toll of the warning bell.”

HEADLINES FROM THE HEBREW PRESS HA’ARETZ 1. The plan: Shelving the Roadmap. OLMERT TO ENLIST INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT FOR WEST BANK WITHDRAWAL. 2. CHURCH OF ANNUNCIATION ASSAILANT: „I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST CHRISTIANS.” The event: Family exploded firecrackers inside Church of Annunciation; 26 injured in clashes. The family: Known to welfare officials; protesting withdrawal of children from their custody. The reactions: Livni to Vatican – „We will protect holy places of all faiths.” HATZOFEH 1. Hamas active since withdrawal to establish military force. HAMAS TO ESTABLISH REGULAR ARMY IN GAZA. According to reports, Hamas army will either operate alongside Palestinian security forces or integrate with them. Organization established training bases over large areas since IDF withdrawal from Gaza Strip. 2. PROVOCATION THAT IGNITED NAZARETH. Friday evening: Three members of family known to police entered Church of Annunciation with stroller full of explosives and threw firecrackers in order to protest their plight. Thousands of Arab demonstrators laid siege to church, burned police vans and clashed with security forces. Family members rescued with difficulty and claimed: We have nothing against Christians or Muslims but against police and authorities. Following provocation, Israeli Arabs claim: There is incitement against us. 3. TERRORIST ATTACK IN JERUSALEM FOILED. 4. [STATE PROSECUTOR ERAN] SHENDAR: CYRIL KERN AFFAIR INVESTIGATION NOT EXHAUSTED. MA’ARIV 1. Olmert and Reichman reject Limor Livnat’s education revolution. KADIMA: WE WILL ABROGATE DOVRAT REFORMS. Olmert’s Education Minister-designate surprises: „We will not enact reforms at teachers’ expense. Everything will be by agreement.” 2. CHURCH MADNESS. For years, Havivi family has nurtured grievances against state. On Friday evening, they almost ignited the entire Middle East. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. After elections: Kadima to submit plan to evacuate communities in Judea and Samaria. DICHTER: THUS WILL APPEAR NEXT DISENGAGEMENT. Plan: Olmert government will evacuate isolated settlements, IDF will continue to control ground. To be evacuated: Alon Moreh, Yitzhar, Tapuach, Eli, Nokdim and Tekoa. Not to be evacuated: Kiryat Arba and Ofra. 2. CHURCH INSANITY. On Wednesday, Haim and Violet Havivi’s baby was removed from them due to neglect. On Friday, in act of desperation, they entered Church of Annunciation in Nazareth with empty stroller, threw firecrackers and almost ignited entire Middle East. Luckily, and after they were dressed up as police, they were rescued from enraged mob. „They wanted to shake the world,” their daughter said. 3. DUE TO KASSAMS: FORTIFYING ASHKELON POWER STATION. Friday: Kassam landed at strategic installation south of city and caused damage. Police officer: Power station has become Palestinian target.