HEADLINES FROM THE HEBREW PRESS HA’ARETZ 1. ATTORNEY-GENERAL MAZUZ: WITHOUT KNESSET APPROVAL ISRAEL WILL BE WITHOUT A FINANCE MINISTER. 2. US JUSTICE DEPT.: JONATHAN POLLARD TO BE RELEASED IN 2015. HATZOFEH 1. SHARON CAPITULATES: VOTE ON MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENTS POSTPONED BY ONE WEEK. Most rebels adhered to position of opposing appointments. Postponement – initiative of MK Michael Eitan. Pressure on rebels to increase next week. Netanyahu: If Sharon draws closer to Likud principles – I will support him. Peres: Addition of NIS 4 billion to budget – condition for continued support for Government. 2. SHARON IGNORED THOSE UPROOTED FROM GUSH KATIF IN HIS SPEECH. 3. SPEECHES REFLECTED “ELECTION FEVER.” 4. CONTINUED KASSAM ROCKET FIRE AT SDEROT; ISLAMIC JIHAD TERRORISTS ASRRESTED IN JENIN. 5. IDF SPOKESWOMAN IGNORED KASSAM FIRE BECAUSE THEY FELL IN PALESTINIAN AREA. 6. SYRIAN PROPAGANDA PRAISES TERRORIST ACT IN “HADERA SETTLEMENT.” MA’ARIV 1. Break: PM postpones vote until next week. SHARON AGREES: CONTACTS ON LIKUD CEASEFIRE. MKs Eitan and Saar to hold contacts with rebels – and will try to persuade them to support PM. 2. RABIN’S SHIRT. Shirt that PM wore on night he was murdered revealed. Two slugs found in Rabin’s body – but shirt has three holes. Pathologist: Third hole isn’t from shots. 3. HATUEL STARTING OVER. 1.5 years after his wife and daughters were murdered, David Hatuel got engaged last night. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. MK Michael Eitan trying to calm tension between Sharon and rebels. INITIATIVE: SIX MONTH CEASEFIRE IN LIKUD. Sharon’s decision to postpone vote on ministerial appointments until next week gave all a chance to climb down from the tree. 2. Expose: THUS AL-QAIDA OPERATES IN GAZA: FIRST TESTIMONY. Only 1.5 months have passed since IDF left Gaza Strip and Bin Laden’s people are already moving about freely. “Al Qaida Palestine Jihad greets the Islamic nation on the month of Ramadan” written in special pamphlet to be distributed in mosques. 3. GOOD LUCK DAVID HATUEL. Six months ago…David Hatuel lost his pregnant wife Tali and their four daughters in brutal shooting attack. Several months ago, he was introduced to Limor Shem-Tov, 32 and single. Last night they celebrated their engagement. (…). Hatzofeh criticizes the Histadrut labor federation’s latest strike threats and calls for outstanding issues to be dealt with by, “wisely conducted negotiations,” instead. Yediot Ahronot predicts that the Knesset winter session, which began yesterday, will lead to, “a general stalemate,” and will, “revolve around the politically shattered Likud.” Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, comments on the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The editors believe that, “Anti-democratic terrorism must be attacked at its base,” and assert that, “Jewish terrorism must be dealt with exactly as Netanyahu and Sharon demand to deal with Palestinian terrorism.” The papers says that, “The Government and the Knesset must condition budgetary allocations to settlements and yeshivas on an obligation to publicly condemn violence and on cleaning up anti-democratic weapons from outposts of incitement,” and adds that, “When money talks, democracy falls into line.” Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, protests against plans to deport children of illegal foreign workers who were born in Israel.