). The Israelis: Two Israelis in New Orleans havent contacted their families. 2. IDF USED PALESTINIANS IN HEBRON AS HUMAN SHIELDS. 3. Was way to World Cup paved in Basel? ISRAEL NATIONAL TEAM DRAWS 1-1 WITH SWITZERLAND. 4. ISRAELI DIPLOMATS WITH FOREIGN PASSPORTS. Thus official Israeli representation opened in United Arab Emirates. 5. NETANYAHU AND LANDAU COOPERATING. Set up joint HQ ahead of decision on bringing primaries forward. HATZOFEH 1. Diaspora rabbis: Demolition of Gaza Strip synagogues to lead to destruction of synagogues around the world. WARNING: DEMOLITION OF GAZA STRIP SYNAGOGUES TO INCREASE ANTI-SEMITISM. Petition by US rabbis: Creation of severe precedent liable to lead to belittling of sanctity of synagogues and even demolition of synagogues that no longer serve as active houses of prayer. Ukraine Chief Rabbi: Nations will now see synagogues, Jewish cemeteries and Jewish community centers as abandoned. Today: High Court of Justice to discuss appeal against demolition of synagogues. 2. OLMERT: ISRAEL TO FREEZE CONSTRUCTION IN MAALEH ADUMIM. 3. WORSENING OF PALESTINIAN TERRORISM IN FIRST WEEK AFTER UPROOTING. 4. ABU MAZEN: WE ESTEEM MARTYRS. 5. HAMAS THREATENS TO KIDNAP ISRAELIS. 6. ISRAEL AND SWITZERLAND DRAW 1:1. 7. DANIEL BARENBOIM TO ARMY RADIO CORRESPONDENT: NOT PREPARED TO TALK TO SOLDIER IN UNIFORM. MAARIV 1. (
). TOO LATE. (
). 2. CAN CONTINUE TO DREAM OF WORLD CUP. Fateful game with Switzerland ends in respectable 1-1 draw. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. (
). 10,000 VICTIMS, DAMAGE: $100 BILLION. (
). Concern for fate of three Israelis. Israeli aid delegation ready. 2. OUR HOPE IS NOT LOST. Despite playing mediocre game, Israeli national team achieved respectable 1:1 draw, which left us with chance of making World Cup in Germany. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Hatzofeh accuses Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of backtracking on the Governments commitment to build in the E-1 area adjacent to Maaleh Adumim. Yediot Ahronot comments on the Hurricane Katrina disaster along the US Gulf coast. Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, characterizes the political campaign against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as, political vengeance, and asserts that, Political vengeance = political violence. The editors declare that, If the citizens of Israel dont want the violent minority to grab them by the throat, they must grab it by the testicles. Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, calls for the relevant law to be amended immediately so that Arab victims of Jewish terrorists may indeed be recognized as victims of terrorism. BPI-info
2005. szeptember 4 14:38