HA’ARETZ 1. This morning: Gaza Strip and northern Samaria settlers to receive evacuation notices. GAZA STRIP CLOSED; DISENGAGEMENT HAS BEGUN. 2. Dan Harel admits: I wouldn’t have volunteered for evacuation operation. GOC SOUTHERN COMMAND: „IDF HAS BEEN SELECTED TO BE TOOL TO IMPLEMENT TRAGEDY.” HATZOFEH 1. Sad moment: Kisufim checkpoint gate closed at midnight for last time. TRANSFER UNDERWAY; SIEGE ON SHARON’S BUREAU. This morning: Gush Katif residents to receive expulsion orders. Whoever does not obey will be compelled to be forcefully evacuated from his home starting Wednesday. 11,000 police deploy on highways in order to prevent expulsion opponents from reaching Gush Katif. Large-scale demonstration held opposite PM’s Office in Jerusalem. 2. OFFICER SERIOUSLY WOUNDED BY FRIENDLY FIRE AT KFAR DAROM. 3. CHIEF-OF-STAFF: „MOST DIFFICULT PART STILL AHEAD OF US.” 4. NINTH OF AV PRAYERS ON TEMPLE MOUNT PASS QUIETLY. Pres. Katsav: „No comparison between evacuation and destruction of temples.” MA’ARIV 1. Barrier came down. Disengagement underway. CLOSURE HOUR. As of midnight, movement in Gaza Strip allowed in one direction only – out. Thousands of officers and police to go to settlers’ homes and announce: You have 48 hours to leave. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. As Kisufim barrier comes down: Israel sets border between it and Palestinians. GATE CLOSED – AND EVACUATION BEGAN. Disengagement after midnight: Distribution of evacuation orders to Sa-Nur postponed due to stormy demonstration. This morning: IDF officers to distribute orders to Gush Katif residents. Assessment: Forceful evacuation to begin at „toughest” settlements. Settlers promise: We will not act violently. Settlers threaten: We will tear up orders and hole up in synagogues. Evacuation forces: IDF surprised by number of infiltrators in Gush Katif – fourth division brought in. 2. ONE OF RABIN’S SECURITY GUARDS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHARON’S SECURITY. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Both papers comment on various issues related to the Disengagement Plan: Yediot Ahronot says that, „Now, everything is in the settlers’ hands. They can accept their fate and leave their homes proudly.[or] They can turn the evacuation in to a conflagration.” The editors call on the evacuation forces to show exemplary behavior but warn the residents of Gush Katif that, „If one hair falls from the heads of our children, and theirs, they will be forever cursed.” Hatzofeh notes that on the eve of the implementation of the Disengagement Plan, „The terrorist organizations are proclaiming their intentions to continue sowing death and destruction until the conquest of Jerusalem,” and protests that, „Israel is seeking to withdraw without getting anything in return, and if some sort of Palestinian promise is given – it is baseless.” The editors believe that Western and Arab pressure will prevent the Government from responding decisively to terrorist provocations and call on Likud and haredi MKs to topple the Government. BPI-info