(Communicated by the (BPI) HA’ARETZ 1. The man who tried to reconcile Christians and Jews. POPE JOHN PAUL II DIES IN VATICAN AGED 84. (.). Jews: John Paul II became champion of Jewish-Christian reconciliation. 2. SENIOR YESHA COUNCIL OFFICIAL AGAINST SETTLER LEADERSHIP: PREVENT TENS OF THOUSANDS OF EVACUATION OPPONENTS FROM ENTERING GUSH KATIF. Yesha Council Deputy Chairman Eliezer Hasidai said that he would consider enlisting for reserve duty and taking part in evacuation. 3. US ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS CALLING ON ISRAEL TO AGREE TO SUPERVISION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. 4. CALM MARCH: NO ISRAELI KILLED IN TERRORIST ATTACK. March was quietest month since intifada broke out. One Palestinian killed by Israeli fire. HATZOFEH 1. Palestinian security establishment helpless against armed men. DISMISSALS IN PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY TOP LEADERSHIP. Yesterday: Abu Mazen instructed that several security establishment heads be fired in light of their helplessness in dealing with armed terrorists running riot on the ground without being stopped. In addition, Palestinian Authority Chairman announced that Jibril Rajoub will be appointed commander of forces in Gaza. 2. ASSAD PRESENTS: THIS IS HOW I WILL WITHDRAW FROM LEBANON. Today: Syrian President to announce timetable for withdrawal from Lebanon. 3. SHARON AND NETANYAHU PRESENT: RECONCILIATION. The two met on Friday in order to reduce tension between them. 4. THE POPE IS DEAD. (.). [Former Ashkenazi Chief] Rabbi Lau: „He was a friend of the Jewish People; I hope that his successor contiues in his footsteps.” (.). MA’ARIV 1. (.). THE POPE IS DEAD. (.). Yad Vashem considering naming him Righteous Gentile. 2. ABU MAZEN DISMISSES SENIOR PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY OFFICIALS. Expected that Jibril Rajoub, who was expelled by Arafat, will be promoted. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Israel: John Paul II was a great friend to the Jewish People. [THE POPE] PASSES AWAY. (.). 2. After two month break: GUSH KATIF SETTLERS COMING TO MEET SHARON. Will arrive at PM’s Bureau in two days, first time since Disengagement Plan was approved. BPI-info
2005. április 4 07:08