HAARETZ 1. VIGOROUS MOVE TO EVACUATE OUTPOSTS BEFORE US ELECTIONS. Israeli officials holding contacts with Dahlan: PA delaying issuing of pistols to police until final approval is received from Israel. 2. AFTER FOUR-YEAR DELAY: TENDER ISSUED IN ISRAEL FOR LOCATION OF HOLOCAUST VICTIMS REAL ESTATE ASSETS. HATZOFEH 1. Assessment in IDF: Attack at Avnei Hefetz foiled. WEEKEND OF FOILED ATTACKS. Three terrorists apprehended in Tulkarm action. Three attacks foiled in Gaza Strip: IDF foiled terrorist attempt to infiltrate into Israeli territory from Gaza Strip. Cell eliminated that was about to launch anti-tank rocket at Rafiah Yam. Tanzim terrorist arrested in Samaria was involved in shooting and bomb attacks on Trans-Samaria highway, his Hamas assistant was killed.
2. TEMPLE MOUNT IN THEIR HANDS – UNDER AUSPICES OF ISRAELI GOVERNMENT. Approximately 20,000 Muslims – Palestinian Israelis and Palestinians from Yesha – attended Islamic Movement northern wing rally last Friday on Temple mount. Senior PA, Hamas and Temple Mount Waqf attended rally. 3. FROM THIS MORNING: ANTI-RADIATION PILLS TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN COMMUNITIES NEAR ATOMIC REACTOR. 4. [UNITED TORAH JUDAISM MK AVRAHAM] RAVITZ: MEETING WITH LAPID SOONER THAN EXPECTED. MAARIV 1. PM to demand additional concession from Shinui leaders. LIKUD TO SHINUI: THERE WILL BE HAREDI DEPUTY MINISTERS. PMs confidants: If United Torah Judaism joins – it wont just support from outside. Poraz: Shinui will end up like DMC. 2. FROM TODAY: DISTRIBUTION OF ANTI-RADIATION PILLS IN SOUTH. Logol pills protect against radiation. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. En route to government: Likud and Labor formulate diplomatic agreements. SHARON PROMISES: EVACUATION OF OUTPOSTS TO START IMMEDIATELY. Advance payment to evacuees – from next week. Severe disagreements over economic policy. 2. PLAN: EXILE AND DETENTION FOR RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS. ISA considering sharp measures in order to foil attack on Temple mount and assassination of senior politician. [PMs Bureau Director] Weisglass: Security increased around me as well. 3. ISRAEL DEMANDS THAT ENTERING TOURISTS REPORT THEIR RELIGION. Tourists who filled out new form: This is hurtful and insulting. Senior Interior Ministry officials: We didnt know, its a shameful mistake that makes country into laughing-stock. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot comments on how Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is handling the coalition negotiations. The editors believe that, Sharon is indeed an experienced politician who well understands human beings weaknesses, and add that, In comparison to his predecessors, especially the wonder kids Netanyahu and Barak, his prudence and patience are even more prominent. However, the paper avers that, A slightly more sober glance reveals a much more significant reason for his power: These are coalition negotiations over nothing. There is no argument over an agenda and not even any quarrels over portfolios. The Prime Minister, whose sole agenda is the disengagement plan, is negotiating with parties who have no disagreement with this single issue, and which are not presenting an alternative to the other matters of substance in our lives. Hatzofeh strongly criticizes Defense Minister Shaul Mofazs proposal to allow Palestinian Authority policemen to carry sidearms. The editors remind their readers that, According to the official policy of the Israeli government, including Shaul Mofaz himself, Arafats forces not only perpetrate acts of terror but do so under directives from above, and allege that the Defense Minister is more concerned about internal Palestinian affairs than he is about Israelis security. BPI-info