Hosting the even t will be Shike Levi (Hagashash Hachiver) who apart from hosting will sing as well. List of spokespeople: Ephrayim Halevi former head of the mossad MK Shimon Peres head of ht Avoda party Ron Huldayi Mayor of Tel Aviv Dalya Rabin Philosoph CEO of The Yitzhak Rabin Center
During the event, the following people will also speak: Amiram Kaplan whose 3 brothers were killed one during the Yom Kippur war, the other in a chase after terrorists and the last in a fire in Tel Katzir. Yechtzekel Sharabi personal dirver of the late Yitzhak Rabin will talk of their joint work Arad Family representative will talk about the special connection between the Arad and Rabin Families. Participating Artists: The Idan Reichel Project Sad roses Tipex Stam David Broza Will be good Aviv Gefen Song for hope Meital Trabelsi Rav Hovel Gali Atari Mika Carni and Avi Grinich Shlomo Gronich and Singer of the Arab Sector Salama Due to the assembly, there will be traffic and parking changes in the streets adjacent to Rabin Square as follows: 1) On Saturday, 1.11.2003 from 18:00 until 23:00 the following streets will be closed off to the general public. Ibn Gvirol (From Arlozorov to Shaul Hamelch), Frishman (Between Ibn Gvirol to Shlomo Hamelech), Malchei Israel, Shedrot Chen, David Hamelech, Bloch (Between Arlozorov and Ibn Gvirol), Gordon (from Shlomo Haelech to Malchei Israel) and Ben Gurion (Between shlomo hamelch and Ibn Gvirol). 2) On Saturday, from 14:00 parking will be prohibited in Malkei Israel and Ben Gurion (between Shlomo Hameleach and Ibn Gvirol). 3) The following parking lots will be closed from 09:00 : The lot under the municipality building cars parking there will be towed from 14:00. The crowd is requested to not bring weapons in general and long weapons in particular. There is a ban from bringing animals. There is a ban to bring bicycles. I would thank you for publishing a notification about the Main Memorial Day Assembly in Rabin Square and the traffic arrangements and you are invited to cover the event itself. Regards, Tami Shenkman- 068-558419