Hebrew Press

French President
Nicolas Sarkozy

The Jerusalem Post welcomes French President Nicolas Sarkozy on his current visit to Israel, and states that Sarkozy has brought a real breath of fresh air to the Paris-Jerusalem relationship. What is needed now, according to the editor, are substantive underpinnings to the perceptible and welcome change of tone.
Haaretz calls on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to have one issue at the front of his mind when he meets with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak today in Sharm-a-Sheikh: to bring kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit home.
Yediot Aharonot says that if Israel has been „meticulous about maintaining its discrete strategic ties with Jordan, it has not been meticulous about maintaining its open ones”. The editors give recent examples, including the boycotting by the Jordanian professional union of the ‘Jordan Festival’ because the publicity firm organizing it is owned by Morris Levy, who also happened to organize Israel’s 60th anniversary celebrations, the blocking of a delegation of Israeli economic experts from entering Jordan for a recent economic conference, as well as bureaucratic hurdles faced by Jordanians entering into Israel. The paper laments that „We were not meticulous in fostering open ties, and now it is too late.”
Ma’ariv remarks that „In the eyes of not a few Israelis, the Israeli preoccupation with army casualties and losses is proof of a loss of proper proportions” and declares that „They’re wrong. Concern for human life is the backbone of a strong society, like that which debates the appropriateness of military actions and the suitable price to pay for human life and freedom”.