PA Allocates More to Terrorists than to Needy | NBN: High Education Costs Driving Aliyah | Israel Could Have Legalized Hundreds of Homes | Down with Stuyvesant

PA Allocates More to Terrorists than to Needy | NBN: High Education Costs Driving Aliyah | Israel Could Have Legalized Hundreds of Homes | Down with Stuyvesant

| – August 25, 2017



August 25, 2017 / 3 Elul 5777
Shabbat Shalom!
The Jewish Press Print Edition

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The Jewish Press
is now available for you to read online.


False Witness? – Parshat Shoftim

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Headlines & Recommended

PA 2017 Budget Allocates More to Terrorists than to the Needy

The PA’s budget allots just under $170 a month to welfare families, while the maximum monthly payment to a security prisoner is about $3,340.

Nefesh B’Nefesh: High Costs of Jewish Education Main Reason for Orthodox Aliyah

David Israel
„A family with three children attending private Jewish education in the US must budget on average $80,000 a year for tuition alone.”

Revealed: Civil Administration Recommended Legalizing Hundreds of Jewish Homes But Justice Ministry Refused

David Israel
In almost all the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria where the Blue Line Team has worked, perfectly legal Jewish homes were turned illegal and subject to demolition decrees overnight – to the delight of anti-Zionist groups such as Peace Now.

Report: Israeli Arab Teachers, Principals, Receive Payment From The State while Inciting Against It

David Israel
In an Arab school in Israel, students engaged in simulating a security court, where children dressed up as Arab terrorist prisoners recited anti-Zionist poetry while their friends, dressed as Israeli security forces, looked on.

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The Yishai Fleisher Show

Real Liberalism
Yishai presents an awesome show where he speaks with author, law professor, and human rights activist, Thane Rosenbaum, freshman US congressman Brian Mast, and Finally, Dr. Owen who is a top oncologist on sabbatical in Israel.

Read more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles


Shurat HaDin Going After Statues of Anti-Semitic New Amsterdam Governor
Judging historical figures according to our most current social mores is politically beneficial.
Down with Stuyvesant!
Construction Vehicle Hits Pedestrian Bridge in Efrat
The main road in Efrat has been closed down until an engineer assesses the damage.
Prosecutors Charge Sheikh Raed Salah With Incitement to Terror
Raed Salah is the leader of the outlawed Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel.
US Calls Kushner-Abbas Meeting ‘Fruitful’ But Doesn’t Specify ‘Fruits’
The Us Consulate—rather than the US embassy in Tel Aviv—said the US-run talks are the best way to reach a comprehensive peace agreement.
Israeli Citizen Murdered in Kiev, Ukraine
Ukrainian has police announced that apparently the murder resulted from a criminal enterprise.
Making It To The Wedding
The grateful husband then emotionally invited Grossberger and the other volunteers to their son’s wedding.

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You Can Always Count On Them

Israel Schachter
They’re everywhere. Literally everywhere with 4,000 locations spanning big cities, small towns, and suburbs throughout the US and in more than 60 countries around the world. Which multi-national is it?

Rav Kook, From The Pages Of The Jewish Press In 1961

Hillel Fendel
This Friday, Elul 3, marks the 82nd yahrzeit of one of the 20th century’s most important rabbis: HaRav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook.

Political Violence Is Not Okay

Ben Shapiro
Any attempt to undermine our republic through reliance on political violence is nothing more than terrorism.

War Against ISIS is NOT Over

Rachel Avraham
Even though ISIS faces near defeat in Iraq and is losing ground in Syria, last week’s terror attacks in Barcelona proved that ISIS still poses a major threat to the international community

Read more InDepth articles Radio

Israel Uncensored: Volunteering to Secure our Communities

Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten
The Land of Israel
Video’s explaining the truth about Israel are going viral. But the videos are only a means towards a greater purpose – protecting Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, raising funds for gear to give to IDF soldiers, and much more. Joshua Hasten interviews Ben Goldstein, producer of these videos.

Israel Uncensored: Volunteering to Secure our Communities
Beyond the Matrix – Has this Christian Pastor Lost His Mind?

Beyond the Matrix
Israel News Talk Radio
A Pastor’s journey out of Christianity.

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Other Sections

The Highs And Lows Of Marijuana Use

Ann Novick

Intuitive Eating: How To Drop Your Diet And Make Food Your Friend

Rena Reiser and Elisheva Blumberg

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Parshas Shoftim

Rabbi Yaakov Klass

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Shoftim: Of Witnesses, Keruvim and Clones

Rabbi Francis Nataf
The Torah’s standard for convicting a criminal is set much higher than many contemporary systems of law, that accept one witness. In practice, that means the Torah prefers to let criminals off, rather than punish the innocent

ABC’s of Elul

Rabbi Shraga Simmons
The last month of the Jewish calendar is actually the most important – serving as preparation for the High Holidays.

Before Judging

Rabbi Simcha Weinberg
The primary quality of anyone judging another is that the judge first know how to judge himself. If he cannot honestly examine his own behavior, how can he possibly judge someone else’s?

Thank You, Mr. President

Rabbi Raphael Fuchs
First, even had the president actually said something reprehensible, is it our job to reprimand him? Is that in the charter statements of these organizations?

The Rubashkin Saga (Part IV)

Rabbi Hanoch Teller
These PETA people are not Orthodox Jews. So, why would they so strongly criticize a kosher packing plant for what they believe to be violations of kosher practice?

Who Cares For Whom?

Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Jungreis, a”h, sharing her eternal wisdom with a woman facing multi-generational challenges.

Prayers From The Depths

Adina Hershberg
Despite being excited about seeing the beautiful twinkling lights of a mostly sleeping city, I was exhausted and kept yawning.

See Nothing, Say Nothing (Witnesses In Monetary Cases)

Raphael Grunfeld
By stifling your testimony, you deny the litigant this evidentiary benefit.

Daf Yomi

Rabbi Yaakov Klass
A Wedding Dance ‘ It Should Be Said While Standing…’ (Sanhedrin 42a)

Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part XI)

Rabbi Yaakov Klass
Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

Two Lenders Each Claim A Borrower Owes Him The Larger Amount – Siman 76:1 (Continued)

Raphael Grunfeld
Before receiving two hundred dinarim, each lender must swear that he was the one who lent two hundred dinarim.

The Religion Of Evolution

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Everything you see – from the flower to the bee, from the oceans to the mountains, rivers and planets, the sun, the moon, and the stars – all just sort of happened. No designer. No creator.

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