Three papers discuss various aspects of the WikiLeaks affair:
Ma’ariv considers recent US statements that have downplayed the possible need for military against Iran in light of what the leaked cables have said regarding Arab countries’ warnings and fears over Iran’s nuclear project. The author concludes that „The clear conclusion is that the chance that the US will attack – or support an attack on – Iran is close to nil, and this assumption must cause us all to lose sleep. Israeli decision-makers must internalize this picture of the situation, make decisions based on realistic options and rely less on hopes that America will take part in any solution vis-ŕ-vis Iran.”
Yediot Aharonot says that „The WikiLeaks documents have only confirmed US and European fears over the dangerous regime that has taken power in Turkey,” and says that „One need not wonder at the friendly ties between the Turkish regime, Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah – These are branches of political Islam, which will stop at nothing to take power for itself and threaten others.” The author notes that Turkey, under its current Islamist government, has been drawing ever closer to „the global axis of evil,” and calls for the US and Europe to treat it accordingly. The paper concludes: „Erdogan himself misses no opportunity to wildly incite against Israel. Europe has already changed its attitude toward his regime, and today, it has no chance of being accepted into the EU. The time has come for the US Congress to treat the growing Turkish threat with utmost gravity.”
Yisrael Hayom asserts that the leaks have helped make it clear that „In contrast to all the learned theories being voiced in Washington to the effect that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the center of concern for the various Arab leaders, despite all the public statements, the potential for an Iranian nuclear bomb, and Tehran’s aspirations of regional hegemony preoccupy them more than the 600 apartments being planned in Ramat Shlomo, and even more than the nuclear capability attributed to Israel.”
The Jerusalem Post commends the Cabinet on its decision last Sunday to begin taking active steps toward stopping the infiltration of African migrants from across the Egyptian border, but calls on the government to „take care not to compromise Israel’s moral Jewish character by abandoning commitments to human rights and denying protection for those in genuine need.”
Haaretz discusses the disturbing results of the recent survey by the Israel Democracy Institute, which show that Israeli Jews discriminate against Israeli Arabs, and opines that „At their root lies the twisted belief that democracy means the tyranny of the majority, and that equal rights for all the state’s citizens is not an integral part of the democratic system.” The editor calls on the government to „inculcate true democratic values among the public that holds such beliefs and opinions,” and adds: „The kind of society reflected by this survey will not be able to preserve democracy – or even a veneer thereof.”
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