My Queer Eye 3 International Artists invited to the Gay Museums Exhibit from 12 March to 14 May 2006 My Queer Eye 3 gathers together artistic and sexual adventurers and exotics of every shade, featuring many new talents side by side with artists who have long been famous on the international art scene. In his choice of artists and pictorial exhibits curator Rinaldo Hopf has looked beyond Europe to search out new, unusual forms of expression and kept a special eye open for artists who are young or little known in Germany, who exist outside of the mainstream that is more fashionable and precisely because of that liable more quickly to become boring. He looked for artists, whose pictures both in content and form reveal an individual expression of gay love, desire, sexuality and gay self-awareness. On his quest Hopf made finds in Tel Aviv, Palm Springs and Shanghai, above all though in Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam and New York. The exhibition shows almost all the artists represented in the book and, in fact, several of them created new works especially for the Gay Museum.
The emphasis of the exhibition is on pornography, digital media, love and spirituality – themes which at first glance would seem to have little in common but which individually or in combination form a crystallization point in the work of many of the artists involved and which seem to meet the needs and the spirit of the time. The anthology My Queer Eye 3 is published by Konkursbuchverlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen. The editors are Axel Schock (text) and Rinaldo Hopf (illustrations).