HA’ARETZ 1. Assessment in Israel: Tehran will have know-how to produce atomic bomb within 1.5 years. UN SECURITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS IRANIAN NUCLEAR ISSUE. (…). Israel – Jerusalem welcomes decision but expresses concern over Israeli link. (…). 2. IRAN DRAWING CLOSER TO HAMAS: WILL CHANNEL FUNDS TO PALESTINIANS. HATZOFEH 1. Several months after uprooting, Kassams reached evacuees’ homes in Carmiyah. KASSAM ON EXPELEES. Amar family home at kibbutz Carmiyah took direct hit from rocket. Seven-month-old boy seriously wounded; his condition improved over Shabbat. His mother, father and uncle lightly wounded. Lukewarm IDF response. 2. IRANIAN NUCLEAR ISSUE SENT TO UN SECURITY COUNCIL. (…). Decision says that Middle East „should be free of nuclear weapons”; phrase aimed at Israel. 3. HEZBOLLAH AGAIN ATTACKS NORTHERN BORDER – SOLDIER WOUNDED. 4. ABU MAZEN HOLDS FIRST POST-ELECTIONS MEETING WITH HAMAS LEADERS. MA’ARIV 1. (…). WORLD AGAINST IRAN. Iranian nuclear issue sent to UN Security Council. (…). Problem: US agreed to inclusion of proposal calling for nuclear weapons free Middle East, including Israel. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. ISA and IDF foil four suicide attacks in last two weeks. SYRIA ORDERS ISLAMIC JIHAD: INCREASE TERRORIST ATTACKS. Military sources: Terrorists want to influence elections. Satisfin Israel over IAEA decision to send Iranian nuclear issue to UN Security Council. 2. BIBI’S CAMPAIGN PHOTO: FROM 10 YEARS AGO. Likud: And when was Sharon photographed with sheep? ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Hatzofeh says that Kadima’s contention that, „The disengagement will improve our security situation,” has been proven false. Yediot Ahronot complains that the opinion polls are setting the pace in the election campaign and that the public is not taking a deeper look at the issues involved. Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, suggests that Kadima’s list might prove fractious and unwieldy. Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, reviews last week’s events at Amona. Hatzofeh, in its second editorial, seconds President Moshe Katsav’s call for a commission of inquiry into, „disturbances by police officers at Amona outpost,” last week.