HAARETZ 1. Senior Hamas official Khaled Mashal: „We will honor Palestinian agreements if they serve the national interest.” STRUGGLE IN PA OVER CONTROL OF SECURITY SERVICES. The PA Abu Mazen convened heads of security services in Ramallah and told them: „You answer to me.” Hamas Political Bureau director Khaled Mashal proposed setting up „army to protect Palestinian people.” Israel Diplomatic effort in attempt to boycott Hamas; Olmert holding security consultations. The clashes Thousands of Fatah activists demonstrate in protest of defeat and take over Parliament buildings in Gaza and West Bank. 2. IDF AND ISA CHECKING FAILURE TO PREDICT HAMAS ELECTION VICTORY. 3. LEADING KABBALIST RABBI KADOURIE DIES AT 106. 4. US JEWISH COMMUNITY WAKING UP: RAISING FUNDS FOR REPRESENTATION FOR THOSE INDICTED IN AIPAC AFFAIR. HATZOFEH 1. Hamas: We will establish united Palestinian army. BUSH CONSIDERING: FINANCIAL AID DIRECTLY TO ABU MAZEN. US administration considering proposal to maintain direct contact with Chairman’s office and sever contacts with Hamas-composed government. Bush: We will freeze aid to PA if Hamas joins government. Concern in Jerusalem: Khaled Mashal to arrive in Gaza Strip via Rafiah without Israeli permit. 2. FATAH INTIFADA IN JUDEA, SAMARIA AND GAZA AGAINST HAMAS. Anarchy in Judea, Samaria and Gaza: Fatah activists and Palestinian police seized Parliament buildings for a short time. 3. LEADING KABBALIST RABBI KADOURIE DIES. MAARIV 1. Hamas leaders make it clear: We will not recognize the State of Israel. MASHAL: PALESTINE FROM THE SEA TO THE JORDAN. Hamas leader in victory interview: We will achieve our goal in stages. But he also hinted: We will not ignore agreements. Peres: „If organization backs off from its threats, we will be ready for negotiations.” Olmert and Livni trying to form global front against Hamas. 2. RABBI KADOURIES DIES. Elderly kabbalist died last night after severe pneumonia. Was over 106. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. US and Europe freezing aid to PA. CLOSING THE TAP. Cabinet convening to discuss Hamas victory. OC Intelligence orders inquiry: How were we surprised again? Senior Hamas official: Unify all organizations into united Palestinian army. Despite everything: Hebron market to be evacuated this week. 2. LEADING KABBALIST DIES. (
). ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Both papers discuss various issues related to the recent Palestinian Authority (PA) elections: Hatzofeh laments that the right-wing’s warnings that unilateral disengagement and weakness in the face of terrorism would inevitably lead to the rise of Hamas went unheeded. Yediot Ahronot discusses the failure of the Israeli intelligence community to predict the outcome of the PA elections and says that a security organization like the ISA is ill-equipped to, „assess political and cultural processes.” The editors believe that government policy toward the PA in the past five years had a major role in laying the groundwork for Hamas’s victory.