Haaretz comments: „Last week, the leader of the Labor Party, MK Amir Peretz submitted to the Knesset a new bill for the „voluntary evacuation of the residents of Judea and Samaria.”
The Jerusalem Post writes: „According to police statistics, in 2004, 390 people were injured in bike accidents, of whom 156 were seriously injured or killed (40% of all bike accidents).
Yediot Aharonot comments on the situation in Iraq…
Hatzofeh calls on the NRP and the other right-wing parties to tell the public already now, relying on Amir Peretzs previous statements, that he is a security danger to the State of Israel and the Jewish existence here.
Haaretz comments: „Last week, a few days after being elected as leader of the Labor Party, MK Amir Peretz – along with MKs Yuli Tamir and Ilana Cohen – submitted to the Knesset a new bill for the „voluntary evacuation of the residents of Judea and Samaria [the northern West Bank].” According to the bill, if at least 60 percent of the residents of a community located in the West Bank express their agreement to be evacuated, the government will evacuate that community within no more than six months from the time the residents make their request. According to another clause, the community will be subject to the compensation agreements as defined in the law governing the implementation of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank… The bill will probably not be ready for consideration during the current Knesset term. This ensures that in the next Knesset, the Labor Party – whether it is in the government or in the opposition – will support every initiative to take Israel out of additional West Bank territories, with Palestinian partners to a comprehensive peace agreement, but even without them.”
The Jerusalem Post writes: „According to police statistics, in 2004, 390 people were injured in bike accidents, of whom 156 were seriously injured or killed (40% of all bike accidents). That makes biking one of the most dangerous modes of transportation in Israel. But it doesn’t have to be… A mandatory helmet law and bike lanes along major transportation routes would prevent future avoidable deaths and make the roads safe for cyclists. But safety is just the beginning. With a modest amount of investment, there is no reason why Israel could not become a favored destination for cyclists from around the globe. As a small country with varied landscapes, a mild climate and lots to see, Israel is – potentially – made to order for bicycling.”
Yediot Aharonot comments on the situation in Iraq and says that, Regional chaos following an American departure is liable to cost Israel dearly.
Hatzofeh calls on the NRP and the other right-wing parties to tell the public already now, relying on Amir Peretzs previous statements, that he is a security danger to the State of Israel and the Jewish existence here. The editors believe that Labor Party chairman MK Peretz, as Histadrut chairman, is entirely beholden to the larger and most powerful unions and has done little for the poor.