HA’ARETZ 1. Security forces allow demonstrators to block road to Gaza Strip; settlers: We will break into Gaza Strip today. POLICE BLOCK THOUSANDS OF DEMONSTRATORS AT EXIT FROM OFAKIM. Police: 6,000 police participated in march. Senior officers – We prepared for violent confrontation following failure of negotiations. Infiltrators: Hundreds of youths marched to Kisufim during night in order to create uproar under cover of which they could infiltrate into Gush Katif. Demonstrators: Demonstrators stopped approximately 1 kilometer past exit from Ofakim. Thousands of police barred their way. Government: Sunday – Cabinet to decide on evacuation of four isolated communities in Gaza Strip first. 2. Neve Dekalim: RESIDENTS ACCEPTING BUT WILL NOT PACK UNTIL AUGUST 15. 3. Yesha commandos: „THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT MISSION OF YOUR LIVES,” HEAD OF GROUP TOLD YOUTHS MARCHING TO KISUFIM. 4. WORLD BANK: ISRAEL AMONG THE MOST CORRUPT COUNTRIES IN WESTERN WORLD. Arises from World Bank data: Among the most developed countries but Italy is more corrupt. 5. 89TH MINUTE: NO CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Malmo from Sweden equalized, securing 2-2 draw and ousting Maccabi Haifa from qualifying round. HATZOFEH 1. Clashes between police and racist transfer opponents at Peduim junction. NIGHT MARCH TO KISUFIM. March to Gush Katif split in two – hundreds of transfer opponents in first group making their way to Gush Katif through fields and along side paths. Second group, numbering in tens of thousands, stopped at Peduim-Ranan junction by thousands of police. After minor clashes between police and demonstrators, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner ordered marchers to sit on ground. March closed day of protest at Ofakim in which demonstrators held Torah lessons and made practical preparations to break into closed Gush Katif. 2. ORIGINAL PROTEST – DOCTOR WEARS SIGN ON BACK AGAINST EXPULSION. 3. MACCABI HAIFA OUSTED FROM EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Locals led 2-1 but Swedes equalized in 89th minute and will go on to next round. 4. GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR WIDENING. MA’ARIV 1. Security sources: Terrorism liable to delay evacuation. AHEAD OF OPERATION: IDF DOUBLING FORCES IN GAZA. Senior officers’ evaluation: „There will be no choice but to embark on major aggressive operation in Gaza Strip before start of evacuation.” 2. ISRAELIS IN PAKISTAN – SIX HOURS OF FEAR. Fuel ran out en route to India. 3. NO EUROPE: MACCABI HAIFA OUSTED FROM CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Sharp increase in gap between rich and poor in Israel. PLIGHT OF POOR WORSENING. Harsh Central Bureau of Statistics report: Within one year, income of top decile rose by 2.5% while that of lowest decile fell by same amount. Harsh World Bank report: Israel among most corrupt Western countries. 2. PURSUIT AFTER RIGHT-WING INFILTRATORS. Last night: Thousands of police blocked protestors on Ofakim road and made it clear to them: Up to here, we will not allow march to continue towards Gaza Strip. But dozens of youths took advantage of tumult and made their way in darkness, along side paths. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Hatzofeh reminds its readers that Kfir Levy, a Jew from Ramat Gan, has been arrested for transporting the Palestinian terrorist who perpetrated the 12.7.05 suicide bombing in Netanya, from Samaria to inside the Green Line, and says that anything less than life imprisonment would be too light a punishment for him. Yediot Ahronot analyzes the media coverage of a recent case in which a policeman also acted as a hitman for a local crime family. Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, discusses the number of American casualties in Iraq. Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, says that, „A disaster has happened to the group of young people from Gush Katif who are threatening to commit suicide by drowning in the sea: Nobody is paying any attention to them.” BPI-info
2005. augusztus 5 12:26