HA’ARETZ 1. SHARON OPPOSES GESTURES AFTER ARAFAT’S DEATH: WE STILL DON’T HAVE A PARTNER. (…). 2. PM SHARON’S BUREAU AGAINST NETANYAHU: INSTEAD OF CONCENTRATING ON BUDGET, HE IS DEALING WITH FAILED PUTSCHES. “Netanyahu’s position on need for partner upon death of Arafat, is ‘spin’ designed to torpedo disengagement,” according to Sharon’s confidants. 3. ACCORDING TO SECURITY PRISONERS, ARAFAT’S HAS ONLY ONE SUCCESSOR: BARGHOUTI. HATZOFEH 1. Sharon approves: Arafat to be buried in Mukata; successor: Abu Mazen. EVERYTHING IS READY FOR FUNERAL – EXCEPT FOR ARAFAT. (…). Egyptians to hold funeral ceremony in Cairo, body will be buried in Ramallah afterwards. Israel on highest alert: Closure on Judea and Samaria, entry of Palestinians to funeral to be limited. 2. INFILTRATION BY TERRORIST WHO SWAM FROM GAZA TO DUGIT FOILED. 3. UP TO 10 YEARS’ IMPRISONMENT FOR THOSE WHO COMPENSATE FAMILIES OF SUICIDE TERRORISTS. MA’ARIV 1. COORDINATED DISENGAGEMENT. Working assumption in Israel: Arafat’s death will turn disengagement into move coordinated with new Palestinian leadership. Goal: Not to withdraw under fire. Possibility: Disengagement will become first stage in negotiations on interim agreement. 2. SUHA’S PRICE. Nine million Euro from French account. Another $20 million from other accounts. And just to be safe – a $35,000 monthly salary. Italian newspaper La Repubbica reveals: Conditions of wife of dead-alive man. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Grave has already been prepared. BUSH: AFTER ARAFAT, THERE IS A CHANCE FOR PEACE. Strange day: Grave dug in Ramallah, funeral ceremony planned for Cairo – but in Paris Arafat was defined as still alive. Sharon: No concessions to Palestinians. Suha writing book on last days.

______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Hatzofeh accuses Egypt of seeking to acquire or develop nuclear weapons and asserts that Egypt is aggressively pursuing a general armaments program, “only in order to attack Israel at a time of its choosing.” The editors call on Israel to be wary and to, “not be silent about Egypt’s nuclear activity.” The paper declares: “It’s all a fa?ade and it is no longer a secret that Mubarak is investing great effort via his friends to hurt Israel in any way possible.” Yediot Ahronot says that, “Yasser Arafat died as he lived – amidst chaos and confusion, and in a thick cloud of lies, half-truths and a stubborn refusal to look reality straight in the face.” The editors assert that, “Arafat is not leaving behind him any spiritual or diplomatic legacy; he is leaving behind only charred ground, both in theory and in practice. His death will not cause chaos in the Palestinian Authority. On the contrary, once the shock passes, stability and normalization may be expected.” BPI-info