HAARETZ 1. SHAS: WE WILL ACCEPT DISENGAGEMENT, BUT SHINUI MUST BE OUT. Sharons Bureau: When negotiations begin with Labor, so will contacts with Haredim. 2. PARISIAN WOMAN ADMITTED THAT SHE FABRICATED ATTACK; WHO WILL BELIEVE US NOW? JEWS ASK. 3. EDUCATION MINISTRY: WE WILL NOT ALLOW ARABS IN HAIFA TO TRANSFER TO JEWISH SCHOOLS. HATZOFEH 1. CRAWLING INTO THE GOVERNMENT. Before Likud: Labor Party establishes coalition-negotiating team. Peres in party bureau meeting: Im not embarrassed that they are using me to make peace. Labor opponents to unity government planning to wreck decision. In the meantime, Housing Ministry putting its own disengagement policy into regarding Gush Katif: Comprehensive program worth NIS 10 million put on hold, all mortgages cancelled, and Amidar [govt. housing agency] is neither selling nor renting flats.
2. PALESTINIANS TO PAY $116 MILLION COMPENSATION TO UNGAR FAMILY, MEMBERS OF WHOM WERE MURDERED IN TERROR ATTACK. 3. 38% OF BOYS AND 30% OF GIRLS NOT GOING INTO THE ARMY. Deputy Chief-of-Staff: Many girls do not go in due to lack of challenge. 4. SECURITY OFFICIALS INSTRUCTED PLANES NOT TO FLY OVER UM AL-FAHM. MAARIV 1. Maariv-Teleseker survey: 54% support secular unity government. PERES: WE WILL NOT RULE OUT HAREDIM JOINING. Labor Party bureau gave green light for negotiations on unity government. Peres to Beilin: Join the government. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. (
). 2. I MADE EVERYTHING UP, ADMITTED ANTI-SEMITIC VICTIM. French woman who was arrested: I drew swastikas on my tummy. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot is curious that the Labor Party – in the nascent coalition negotiations with the Likud – is not seeking the Defense Ministry, which is the common denominator linking the illegal outposts, the separation fence and the disengagement plan, and is a major factor vis-?-vis the state budget. The editors suggest that, It is difficult to escape the impression that while the Labor Party very much wants to be influential (lhashpia in Hebrew), its not so interested in sweating (lhazia in Hebrew) and doing the actual hands-on work. And perhaps it doesnt really want to be influential as much as it wants to go back to being present at Cabinet meetings. Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, refers to a recent incident in the Gaza Strip in which IDF forces destroyed several structures – that were believed to be abandoned, and which Palestinian terrorists had been using as a firing platforms – in accordance with the established procedures for verifying that the structures were empty, yet in which an elderly Palestinian man, who was confined to a wheelchair, was killed. The editors believe that, Legally, were covered, but add that, Something inside us has been extinguished; we are losing the battle for our consciences. Hatzofeh calls for legislation that would make passengers in a vehicle in which the driver is either drunk, tired to the point where he cannot drive safely, talking on a cellular phone without a hands-free device, etc. criminally liable as accomplices/associates to an illegal act. bpi-INFO