HA’ARETZ 1. PA elections: 78% turnout; Abu Mazen: We will resume negotiations even if Hamas joins government. ACHIEVEMENT FOR HAMAS – CLOSE STRUGGLE WITH FATAH. 2. Special Dialogue poll for Ha’aretz and Channel 10: KADIMA INCREASES TO 44 SEATS AND LABOR TO 21; LIKUD DROPS TO 14. 3. „SHINUI IS NOT WORTHY OF THE PUBLIC’S TRUST,” says Lapid as he quits. 4. Tomorrow: First International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ISRAEL TO ASK TO RECEIVE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JEWISH PAVILLION AT AUSCHWITZ, IN ORDER TO REFURBISH IT. 5. $1.5 BILLION IN CONTRIBUTIONS. Report: Israel is leading Western country in importing philanthropic funds from abroad. HATZOFEH 1. American ultimatum to Abu Mazen: We will sever relations if Hamas joins government. ACHIEVEMENT FOR HAMAS. (…). Police prevent MKs Eitam and Eldar from entering polling station at Jaffa Gate. IDF prevents Abu Ala from reaching Jerusalem polling stations. 2. MOFAZ DELAYED PROTECTION FOR NEGEV COMMUNITIES -SO AS NOT TO IMPAIR PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR DISENGAGEMENT. Thus arises from State Comptroller’s report on protection that was issued last week. Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amidror: This is stain for DM. 3. LAPID QUITS SHINUI: „A CHAPTER IN MY LIFE IS OVER”; REACTIONS IN POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT: GOOD RIDDANCE. 4. SHARON’S CONDITION: HADASSAH HOSPITAL DOCTORS SUMMONED OUTSIDE DOCTORS WHO SPECIALIZE IN TREATING UNCONSCIOUS PATIENTS. 5. OMRI SHARON: I MADE SERIOUS MISTAKES. MA’ARIV 1. (…). KADIMA’S LIST. Yesterday: Olmert told candidates about their places. Mofaz in eighth spot, Solodkin in sixth. 2. Ma’ariv-Teleseker poll: KADIMA – 41 SEATS, LABOR – 22, LIKUD – 13. 3. DISAPPOINTMENT IN FATAH: LEADING BY SLIM MAJORITY. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Last night: Olmert reached agreement with senior party officials. KADIMA: THIS IS THE KNESSET LIST. Arab yet to be placed. Anastasia Michaeli in third tier. 2. MUTINY DURING OPERATIONAL ACTIVITY IN NABLUS. Seven Haruv Brigade fighters fled due to dispute with commander. 3. SHARON OUT OF BED. Yesterday: Sat in chair for first time – without regaining consciousness. ____________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot comments on yesterday’s Palestinian elections and says that, „The experts disagree about the significance of Islamic fanatics’ entry into the political arena: There are those who believe that the responsibility that they will take upon themselves will compel them to become more moderate and there are those who believe that the fundamentalist character of the Hamas movement will remain intact.” The editors suggest that a Hamas-controlled PA government will doom any chance of a negotiated settlement and ventures that Israel will have to act unilaterally by demarcating borders and, „uprooting many Jews who live in the occupied territories.” Hatzofeh calls for the various religious Zionist parties to unite in order to be more able to work against possible future disengagements. Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, criticizes the Jerusalem policy of successive post-1967 governments and asserts that, „Since no world policy-maker thinks that it would be possible to establish an international regime without our consent, there is no reason to artificially inflate the city by all sorts of laws designed to move Jews and enterprises to it.”
2006. január 26 14:07