Haviv Dadon injured by Shlomi shell; another four injured. Anti-aircraft round blows up; attack on Syrian targets being considered. If attacks continue, stronger response expected. Diplomatic pressure coordinated with US. UN: Respond with restraint; calls to rein in Hizballah. Hizballah: we will continue to fire in response to flights over Lebanon. HATZOFEH 1. Government decides on moderate response in north. 16-YEAR-OLD BOY MURDERED BY HIZBULLAH FIRE. IAF planes destroy cannon used in Shlomi attack and strike other targets. Israel submits complaint to Security Council; Annan: We will look into complaints from all sides. Sharon met with senior defense establishment officials to discuss escalation. Head of confrontation line to emergency meeting: You are abandoning us. Hizballah terrorists have fired anti aircraft missiles 35 times 7 Shlomi residents injured. 2. IDF INCREASING ACTIVITIES IN SAMARIA FOLLOWING WARNINGS OF TERROR ATTACKS. 3. COURT TO DECIDE ON GILAD SHARONS DOCUMENTS APPEAL TODAY. 4. CHIEF-OF-STAFF: PALESTINIANS WONT DESTROY TERROR INFRASTRUCTURES. 5. ECONOMIC SITUATION WORSENS: 1,800 WORKERS FIRED IN APRIL-MAY. MAARIV 1. GREEN LIGHT FOR RESPONSE following Hizballah shelling of northern communities. Sharon instructs IDF: Any place used to launch attack against Israel is a target. Terrorist cannon fire came at severe price: Haviv Dadon, 16, murdered and 5 civilians injured, including baby. 2. DAHLAN SETS UP STAFF TO HELP LOOK FOR DANA BENNET. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Escalation in north: Haviv, 15, murdered by Hizbullah fire. SHARON: WE WILL RESPOND BUT WE WONT JUNK THE RULES. Haviv Dadon from Shlomi is first Israeli citizen to be murdered by Hizballah fire since withdrawal, 3 years ago. PM: There is a limit to restraint. Northern residents: Were fed up, we want quiet. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Both papers discuss the recent Hizballah attacks in which Haviv Dadon, 16 was murdered: Hatzofeh reminds its readers that, When the IDF withdrew from Lebanon, senior Israeli politicians and military officers said that if Hizballah launched Katyusha rockets or mortar bombs at northern Israeli villages, the Israeli response would be very harsh. The editors point out that the Hizballah has succeeded in launching a large number of attacks against Israel and has increased the range of its missiles, and note that Israel has done very little to respond. In relation to the latest attack the paper comments, It is a situation that we cannot ignore, not only due to the direct harm caused to the security of northern residents and to tourism to that area
but also because of the negative message conveyed by restraint vis-?-vis this murderous organization. The editors blame the Lebanese and Syrian governments and argue that the latter has given a green light for the recent escalation. The paper says that it is the responsibility of the government and the IDF to ensure the safety and security of the citizens of Israel in all its borders. Yediot Ahronot says that This murder had a defined purpose: to re-kindle the fire on Israels northern border and in doing so to return the Hizballah to Arab front pages and to the Palestinian consciousness. The editors contend that since the IDF withdrawal from Lebanon, Hizballah has lost its raison detre and enjoys little support in Lebanon, and argue that it has failed to inspire the Arab world. The paper adds that Hizballah has lost its advantage of guerrilla warfare and that if it continues in its ideology of I kill, therefore I exist, the Israeli response must be If Hizballah kills, it will cease to exist.