Israeli officials held hostage by Jordan govt. finally released | Jordan threatens to arrest Jews who pray -confiscate Tfillin, Siddurs and Kipot | 2 dead in Terror attack in Israeli embassy in Jordan |

Israeli officials held hostage by Jordan govt. finally released | Jordan threatens to arrest Jews who pray -confiscate Tfillin, Siddurs and Kipot | 2 dead in Terror attack in Israeli embassy in Jordan | Preparing for Tisha B’Av |


July 24, 2017 / 1 Av 5777

Abbas Quickly Realizes He Made a Mistake

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Crisis with Jordan

Israeli Hostages Released From Jordan

Hana Levi Julian
There is rampant speculation that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut a deal with Jordan to remove the Temple Mount metal detectors.

Netanyahu Tweets: I Promised the Security Guard We’ll Make Sure to Bring Him Home

David Israel
The Jordanian news agency Ammon News, reported that Netanyahu was expected to speak by phone with Jordan’s King Abdullah on Monday in an attempt to ease tense relations between their two countries after the attack at the Israeli embassy in Amman.

Jordanian Court Prevents Departure of Israeli Official Involved in Sunday’s Amman Attack

David Israel
A government source insisted that Jordan would take steps to escalate the diplomatic crisis in the event that the Israeli diplomat is not handed over to the security authorities.

Diplomatic Crisis Between Jordan and Israel Following Embassy Attack

Jewish Press News Briefs
Jordan is not permitting Israeli embassy officials leave the embassy and the stabber’s family wants death sentence for the Israeli officer.

Terror Attack at Israel’s Embassy Residence in Jordan

Hana Levi Julian
A terrorist entered the residence as a worker and stabbed an Israeli security officer.

Headlines & Recommended
Jordanian Police Forbid Jewish Tourists from Praying on Penalty of Imprisonment

Jordanian police confiscated tefillin, talitot, kipot, and prayer books, and even forbade prayer in their hotel rooms.

Terror Stabbing Victim in Petach Tikva Was Israeli Arab

Jewish Press News Briefs
An Israeli Arab was stabbed three times, twice in the neck and once in the back by an Arab assailant, 21, from Qalqilya in Samaria.

Bedouin Attack Jewish Shepherdin Benjamin

The Bedouin hurled stones at the shepherd, who called the village security commander and other residents for help.

Danon Reminds UN, Halamish Terrorist Will Get Paid by Palestinian Authority

Hana Levi Julian
„The terrorist who murdered this family did so knowing that the Palestinian Authority will pay him thousands of dollars a month,” Danon said.

Israel’s NeuroDerm Sold for $1.1B to Japan’s Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma

TPS / Tazpit News Agency
“We believe that this transaction will yield important benefits for NeuroDerm’s shareholders and the Parkinson’s disease patients who urgently need new therapies.”

Police Demand Traditional Jerusalem 9 B’Av Walk Be Moved, Possibly to Babylon

David Israel
‘With all due respect, this type of warning is out of place and contradicts all basic principles of democratic governance and rule of law worthy of its name.’

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The Yishai Fleisher Show

Temple Mount Tensions
Jerusalem is bracing for a rumble! After a heinous Jihadist murder, metal detectors were installed at the entrances to the Temple Mount. This, is turn resulted in the Jihadists accusing Israel of infringing on Muslim sovereignty. Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai to peel back the layers of this situation and explore what hidden blessings lie beneath.

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Hours Before Friday Night Massacre, Fatah Encouraged ‘Escalation’ and ‘Rage’
Last week the Fatah Central Committee „called on its supporters and members… to turn this Friday into a day of escalation.”
Greenblatt to Help Stop Temple Mount Violence over Israel’s Quelling Temple Mount Violence
In the fall of 1996, after then Prime Minister Netanyahu had ordered the opening to the public of the Kotel Tunnel, PA Chairman Yasser Arafat called for a violent response–on grounds very similar to the case being made today by the Arabs, namely Israeli sovereignty.
IAI Signs Mega Marketing Deal With Poland’s PGZ
„We are certain that the partnership will be a long-term, strategic one.”
70 Years Later, President Rivlin Meets Passengers who Arrived on the Exodus
Speaking to the passengers as well as their second, third, and fourth generation descendants, the President said, ‘I am fortunate as President of the State of Israel to record with you and your families that the State of Israel, and the flag of Israel, are obvious facts.’
Watch Netanyahu, Kvirikashvili Launch Talks With 2600 Years Bridging Jewish, Georgian People
„The personal ties and the relations between the Jewish and Georgian people are truly exemplary. Our relations go deeply to centuries.”
UN Security Council to Meet Monday on Temple Mount Crisis
‘Three world religions have strong roots in Jerusalem, which in 1947 received a special status from the UN.’
Rivlin Warns Terror, Violence Must Be Condemned and Stopped
„The heart breaks at such moments of mourning and turmoil, but it is impossible for public representatives and elected leaders to be silent. „
Hotovely Appeals for Global Pressure on Abbas to Stop Incitement Against Israel
„The international community must intensify their efforts to pressure the Palestinian Authority to call for a stop to the violence instead of demanding that Israel removes security measures.”
IDF Tank Fire Retaliates for Late-Night Gaza Rocket Attack
The rocket landed in an open area near the security fence in the Eshkol Regional Council district.
In Jerusalem With Our Hearts in Modi’in
„The pain is deep, but our roots in the land are no less deep. Terror will never defeat us.”

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Mahmoud Abbas’s Particular Anti-Zionist Holocaust Denial

Paul Gherkin
The Abbas Holocaust denial does not focus on the number of Jews killed. He argues that the Zionist Jews were schemers. The Holocaust was a story of Zionist Jews against European Jews.

Metal Detectors and Palestinian Lies

Bassam Tawil
The Palestinians decided NOT to enter the Temple Mount unless the metal detectors are removed. The Palestinians and the Waqf lie to the world, claiming Israel is denying Muslims access to their holy sites.

What Status Quo?

David Weinberg
Jerusalem is a consensus issue in Israeli politics. The Netanyahu government would enjoy widespread public backing for action to parry Palestinian and Islamic incitement in Jerusalem and to solidify Israel’s rights on Har HaBayit

Surrender Now Will Lead to Terrible War

Moshe Feiglin
If Israel surrenders now and removes the metal detectors and prove with finality that the Temple Mount truly is theirs – and only theirs – we are admitting that they were right to murder the Jews.

Temple Mount Peace Through Waqf Submission

Varda Meyers Epstein
What is peace to a Muslim? It is submission. To Allah, to jizya, to the sword, to other Muslims. When others submit, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, there is peace and quiet. After all, if you slaughter people, they no longer make noise or fight back. They’re DEAD.

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The Problem with the Metal Detectors? They’re Jewish
Fred Maroun’s Blogspot
Fred Maroun
Metal detectors are used in many places in the world, including airports of course, but also Muslim places of worship. So why the big deal at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem?
Guest Blog
Shalom Pollack
The Arabs are not the main problem. It is the Jew bashing Jews. It is the Jews who coddle and encourage those who would kill us.
Ending Apartheid in Israel
Inspiration from Zion: This is a Love Story
Forest Rain
The holiest place in the world for Jews is JUDENREIN on Friday and Saturday and can be “cleaned” of Jews without notice.–THIS is apartheid

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Political Hitman – Jewish Life is CHEAP! Terror Attack in Israel and the World Doesn’t Care!

Political Hitman with Howie Silbiger
Israel News Talk Radio
Jewish blood? Who cares?

The Tamar Yonah Show – Another Useless Band Aid on a Cancer Patient?

The Tamar Yonah Show
Israel News Talk Radio
Putting a band-aid on a cancer patient won’t cure the disease.

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Video of the Day

Tisha B’Av: Time to Wake Up, Make the Dream a Reality

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