Izraeli Cabinet communique
The Cabinet authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to submit a law to hold early elections on 4 September 2012, in accordance with PM Netanyahu’s proposal
Israel Cabinet meeting (Reuters archive photo) |
At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 7 May 2012):
1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
„I have asked Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch and Israel Police Inspector-General Yohanan Danino to brief the Cabinet on the recent shocking incidents that have torn at Israelis’ hearts. We have witnessed very, very difficult scenes and we know that everything must be done in order to eradicate them. I have full confidence in Minister Aharonovitch, Insp.-Gen. Danino and in the Israel Police, in their ability to do this. We will be briefed on the actions that have been taken and that will be taken. We know that there has been a 30% drop in murders as well as a decline in street brawls, but these extreme and brutal incidents underscore the recognition that must act with all strength against this wildness, this violence, these murders – and we will do so. We will continue to do so.
I would also like to congratulate French President-elect Francois Hollande.
Relations between Israel and France have always been friendly. They will remain
such and I look forward to meeting with him in order to continue this link, which is important both bilaterally and internationally.
I would also like to tell my friends here, to tell all ministers, that our working together has led to exemplary achievements for the State of Israel. I think that in all areas we can count very major achievements for the Government thanks to our joint work, vision, cooperation and political stability. Political stability was a very important component in this success because for three years ministers dealt with solutions, not elections.
I think that the State of Israel has not had such a stable Government in decades. But it is no secret that with the start of the government’s fourth year, the coalition’s stability is fraying somewhat, and that there has also seen a lack of stability between and within the parties. Instability leads to extortion and populism – and these harm the main aspects of our lives: Defense, economics, and society. We live in a country that needs political stability. I would have been very happy if we could have completed the term, which was also my goal. To my regret, this instability is calling this into question; therefore, it seems to me that the right thing to do is to go for a brief election campaign.
We are proposing September 4, after which, God and voters willing, we will receive a mandate. I intend to form as broad a government as possible in order to create stability and successfully lead the State of Israel against the great challenges we still face.”
2. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law, the Cabinet appointed Doron Cohen as Director-General of the Finance Ministry.
3. The Cabinet appointed Government Names Committee member Prof. Moshe Sharon to chair the Committee for a five-year term, expressed its appreciation and gratitude to Prof. Moshe Brur for his dedicated service as Committee chairman, and decided that the latter would bear the title ‘Honorary Chairman of the Government Names Committee.”
4. The Cabinet approved several drafts and authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve the final version. Among the drafts that were approved was the draft 2012 Dissolution of the 18th Knesset Law, in the framework of which it is proposed to hold elections for the 19th Knesset on Tuesday, 4 September 2012.
5. Public Security Minister Aharonovitch and Israel Police Inspector-General
Danino briefed ministers on the Police action following the recent spate of
murders. They also submitted statistical data on the scope of crime last year
and briefly discussed the Police’s needs regarding personnel and equipment.
Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he gives his full backing to Minister
Aharonovitch, Insp.-Gen. Danino and the Israel Police and ordered that
discussions be held on the Police’s plans to expand its activities.